Are you too hard on yourself?

Are you too hard on yourself?
Right now, I need to give you a little reminder. The universe has given me many, many signs that this is something very important to remember, so I felt compelled to share this with you.

You are exactly where you should be.

This is real. You are not broken. You are not failing. You don't need to be tidy. Are you okay. You are better than fine.

You are fabulous.




Insert any other adjectives that are like fireworks for you here. That's what you are!

In this exact moment.

Exactly how you are.

And I don't need to know you to know that's true. I don't need to hear you say, "But I'm depressed, or heartbroken, or stressed, or anxious, or unemployed, or aimless, or so angry all the time, or anything else that makes me feel bad, or a person who is not good enough for anything.”

Now you are remarkable. Even if what you feel now is far from it, it is still true. Take a moment and stop judging yourself. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath again. Get rid of your judgments or problems for 30 seconds. Just breathe, feel your heart and allow yourself to be okay. Just for 30 seconds. Go ahead.

Did you manage to do this for 30 seconds? Did you allow yourself to live it or was it just your mind telling you you could do it, but not actually doing it? Because in case you didn't make it, know that it was your ego talking louder, the part of you that prevents you from getting well. And that's what I'm trying to do for you.

So take your ego out of the picture. Close your eyes. Breathe. Get rid of your judgments. Get rid of your problems. And feel good. For just 30 seconds.

It's amazing to want to heal and have a better life. It's a beautiful thing to fight for, but the truth is:

When you focus on what's wrong with you, you start moving away from your soul that is waiting to shine.

Everything you want to be already exists in who you really are. The only reason you are feeling disconnected is that you are not allowing yourself. Allowing yourself comes with self-love. And most of us don't love ourselves. We understand self-love as a concept of the mind rather than a way of relating to ourselves and the Universe.

The less you judge yourself and the more you focus on your work, the faster you will reach the person who is already living inside you. You were unable to see the "amazing you", not because it wasn't there, but because you weren't focusing on it. You were too focused on what was wrong with you to see it.

The more attention you give to your negative aspects, the more expectation and the more negativity you attract to yourself. And the more energy you expend on what goes against your dreams, the more you'll feel depressed, worthless, helpless, and lost.

I always say that I live on a tightrope between self-acceptance and self-growth. Which means that at all times I'm working to accept myself and love myself for who I am, at the same time I'm open to growing more and more. About who I really am for who I aspire to β€” and am already becoming β€” to be.

We can do this when we love each other. We are unable to accomplish this when we judge ourselves. When we do that, we don't feel safe. We tell ourselves that we are not okay. We say, β€œIt's not good to feel sad. It's not good to be depressed. It’s not good to feel frustrated.”

Are you too hard on yourself?

And here's the truth:

It's okay to FEEL!

It's okay to feel, regardless of what the feeling is. And you can allow yourself to feel it. Deal with it. Give love to yourself. But don't let that be a problem. Let it be what it is. Then focus on the beauty in you. The beauty of non-judgment. The beauty of acceptance. The beauty of love.

You deserve it right now. inherently. Just for being here. Just by breathing. You deserve to stop being so hard on yourself and stop for a moment to admire the beauty in you. Right now.

Written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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