Are you expecting a “miracle”?

    The other day, I asked a saleswoman if such a product worked, to which she replied:
    • If you use it, it works.

    I kept thinking about that answer and remembered how many miracle creams I have stored in my dressing table. None of them worked, perhaps because none of them were used to the end, with the recommended dosage and frequency.

    More and more, we yearn for “miracles”, fast, effortless results. We want to heal emotional wounds, but we don't have the patience to enter a therapeutic process. We don't want to lose weight, we want to be thin, and preferably quickly. We pay for the gym, we go once a week (when we go) and we want the result to show up. We buy creams, we use them when we remember and we want the result to be amazing. As soon as we start a job, we already want to reap the rewards.

    Are you expecting a “miracle”?

    I am not a fan of sacrifice, nor do I think that things must be difficult in life, however we are increasingly in the age of "miracle", putting aside perseverance. In the name of these quick results, many resort to unnecessary medicines, unnecessary surgeries, crazy diets, ready-made formulas for happiness, etc…

    And we get more and more anxious, wanting everything even faster, and we end up getting frustrated when things don't go as we imagined. Want to know something? It is very pleasant to achieve results with our perseverance. Lose weight, let it be one kilo a month, feeling committed to the process.

    See the first results of that cream, even after three months of using it every night. Feel more energetic and healthy by exercising, even if you still don't have the body you want so much. To be promoted after having worked with commitment and dedication.

    Commit to your life, and the results you want. Perseverance has a lot of power, I suggest you practice it in your life and see the results.

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