Are you a perfectionist person?

In a job interview, when the interviewer asks: β€œWhat is your biggest flaw?”, many candidates give that famous answer: β€œOh, I'm a perfectionist!”, because they think this can be a positive point. Being a perfectionist does have its positive side, but believe me: often, the negative points of this characteristic speak louder because the individual is never satisfied with the result of everything he does.

Are you a perfectionist person?
Image of Rudy and Peter Skitterians by Pixabay

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you happen to do and redo things several times to feel safe, or are you slow to like something you've already produced? If yes, watch out! Perfectionism may be affecting your life! The act of wanting to achieve perfection is not simply a characteristic or a personality trait, but a pattern of behavior that the unconscious develops from a very early age.

We all know that perfection does not exist, because no matter how much we reach a satisfactory result, we will always think that something could be better, which leads us to frustration. Perfectionist people are too demanding and too critical of themselves. And in addition to demanding a lot from themselves, they also have the difficulty of finding enough what other people do.

Are you a perfectionist person?
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What are the positives and negatives?

The biggest positive point of the perfectionist is the great dedication and commitment in everything he does: he will never do anything anyway! Generally, there is no balance between positives and negatives, but when you can balance them, people who strive for perfection can be incredibly motivating by giving their all and encouraging everyone around them.

On the other hand, negative points carry great weight and can even affect a person's self-esteem:

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– Perfectionists are always looking for perfection in everything: in life and in people. Your level of demand is very high!
– Their competitiveness is beyond the healthy level, as they always need to be the best;
– They have great difficulty in receiving criticism, do not assume faults easily and always have a justification for anything;
– They are more individualistic and have difficulty working in a team, as they always think that others will not be good enough;
– They procrastinate too much because they feel insecure about tasks, which is a result of the fear of not achieving perfection;
– They are too late due to their high level of demand, which leads them to always do and redo a task;
– Because they are afraid of failing, they often end up staying in their comfort zone.

Are you a perfectionist person?
Image of 41330 by Pixabay

Disappointment is practically the result of the search for perfection, because it is an illusion! You can achieve your goals simply by giving your best, but that doesn't mean you have to be the best. How about instead of seeking perfection, you seek excellence? In the pursuit of excellence, you will find your strongest points and the best within you. Run away from frustrations and don't look for reasons to decrease yourself: you are certainly very good at everything you do!

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