Are you a normal person? Think carefully before answering

    Normal is one who follows rules. There is no other meaning for this word. As much as we have a high concept of it and people are proud to say that they live within normality, in fact, the life of a normal person is a slave life. What are norms for if not to impose limits or control people?

    Man would only need to follow a single rule to organize himself: not treating the other as you would not like to be treated or not doing to the other what you do not want for yourself, then everything would be resolved. All other norms are questionable, exist to justify beliefs and values, systems and paradigms, change with the wind of circumstances and are part of a people's culture and traditions. The greater the amount of rules and norms within a society, the greater our level of slavery.

    The man who considers himself normal needs to understand that he has undergone a deep programming, in fact, in many cases, he is no longer a man, he is an android, a docile machine that works integrated with a system that he is unaware of, but that takes advantage of it. What is society if not a gigantic farm, in which we are cloistered and fattened, within a controlled space, in order to make a profit?

    Are you a normal person? Think carefully before answeringWith the end of the second war, movements in favor of the counterculture, which preached freedom and derepression, took place in various parts of the world. Traditions have suffered heavy blows and we have seen the solid foundations of an entire civilization crumble.

    Through the most varied artistic expressions, the infamous 'good manners' were profoundly affected, but unfortunately, we were not yet ready to leave the system. We left the slavery of life on the farm to the slavery of the senses. The lack of understanding of nature itself led us to the abyss of drugs and we adopted promiscuity in the name of an irresponsible surrender to the pleasures of the body, all while living numb and disoriented. We wander in search of exotic experiences with all the enthusiasm of a child loose in a toy store, after all, everything is now allowed. We confused freedom with debauchery and the elephant decided to dance in the crystal shop.

    The hippie generation, which emerged in an environment deeply shaken by the post-war period, began to deconstruct the predatory industrial system and ended up a victim of its own lack of control. The sexual revolution, which had the philosophical foundation of the Frankfurt School, taught 'make love, not war', but it did not deepen the concept of love, it only offered sex as the only instrument of liberation. LSD opened the doors of perception and threw open the 'shadow' of an immature youth, who were in search of a new world and plunged into the unconscious without the cognitive and emotional resources necessary to make their way back. We returned to the farm and today, increasingly controlled, we live hypnotized by modern, high-tech instruments. We allow ourselves to be manipulated by the media and shaped by an increasingly subtle system of control. Goethe was always right, the worst slave is the one who thinks he is free and that is precisely what happens to us today, we only change the decoration of the farm.

    There is only one way out of this slaughterhouse and it is not through the front door, but through the door of the heart, looking inside yourself, seeking a greater understanding of nature itself, developing the detachment necessary to wake up from this hypnosis. Get out of the matrix and meet reality.

    The only way to change this world is to change yourself, only then will it be possible to stop being normal and become natural.

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