Are we still human?

    Contemporary society is marked by a deletion process on the other, known to be the failure of social institutions, such as family, school and churches. Institutions that should be examples of moral standards, virtue and civility, but which present, each in its own way, opaque feelings, inconstant relationships and, many of them, detachment from values, such as love, respect, ethics, solidarity and justice.

    In this way, today's man is experiencing the worst crisis in his history: the crisis of himself. Contradictorily, in the midst of so much technical and technological knowledge, contemporary man does not know who he is and what to do with his life, with his feelings. In a time marked by alienated consumption, large-scale production, artificial intelligence, the process of robotization of household chores, etc., the question that remains unspoken is the following: are we still human? 

    To change this game, it is necessary to make our personal and social relationships more objective, sincere and true. The hours we dedicate to social interaction with our family, neighbors, colleagues and friends that will define whether we are still human or not. Deep down, everything passes and life is a brief moment of existence in the timeline. In other words, it had a beginning and it will have an end. What we leave from our lives are the days, hours and memories we spend with the people we love.

    Are we still human?Therefore, to be a real human, it is not necessary to master the new communication tools, at the risk of being judged and placed on the margins of our society. You just need to know how to “waste” time with the other. Being present and knowing how to listen are the two most important philosophical categories of our times. On the other hand, you have to be ready for the other. The encounter with the other, the way he is, challenges our existence. Thus, we must evolve and transform ourselves into better beings, respecting all the differences of others, recognizing the other in its essence and creating empathy.

    There is no other way: either we become better beings, or we will be led like puppets in the hands of some madman. Therefore, the human being has already evolved enough to go back to the past. You need to look ahead! And in this perspective, the wise man finds in hope and love the foundations of a happy life. In other words, only love is the way out. Self love. Love for the other. Love for animals. Love for the environment. So, as the Spanish poet Renato Russo (1960-1996) said: “You have to love people like there is no tomorrow”.

    In short, this new human being that we want to be – I am not talking here only about the Millennials generation, but also about all older people, who are often the most receptive to the new – must be formed in mutual respect, plurality and in the diversity of ideas and opinions of others, in short, in the experience of love. It is in this universe, in the practice of fundamental human values, that the new citizen will emerge, that the human being will not surrender to the machines. Even with all the social and personal challenges that this implies, we think, we will still be better than the best machines in the world. Long live human intelligence! Long live human love! Long live human hope! Long live the human being!

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