Appendix: do you know the importance of this organ?

“What is the function of the appendix? Ignite,” says an old, unfunny joke. The word “appendix”, by the way, refers to something that is not essential to a work, for example, because it only complements it in a discreet way. Unlike organs such as the heart, lung and kidney, the appendix does not have an extremely relevant function in the human body, but that does not mean that it is useless, you know?

Yes, its function is discreet and its removal does not require the removal of one of the kidneys or lungs, but the appendix does have a function and we have prepared this article to show you what the functions are and the main ones. his problems and how you can prevent something bad from happening to your appendix. Check out!

What is the appendix?

The appendix is ​​a tube-shaped organ, about 10 cm long and attached to the first part of the large intestine, very close to where the large intestine and small intestine connect. The most common is that it is positioned in the lower right region of the belly.

Despite being known for centuries, there is no consensus regarding the exact functions of the appendix, so it is common to speak of it as an unnecessary organ or with no function at all. To understand why there is this “bias” for the appendix, we need to understand its importance (or unimportance) in human evolution and the most recent discoveries regarding some of its functions.

The appendix and the theory of evolution

First, let's discuss about the evolutionary theory, the most accepted by science when it comes to biology. The appendix has no vital function for today's human being, but that doesn't mean it has always been that way. Studies speculate that the appendix served to digest food in the past, especially in times when humans, regardless of their species, fed on plants. According to these studies, the appendix had the function of helping the digestion of the hardest parts of vegetables, such as roots and bark.

Appendix: do you know the importance of this organ?
congerdesign / Pixabay

Over the centuries, however, the diet of human beings has undergone several changes, including especially foods that are more easily digested, with which the stomach itself could handle. Due to the exclusion of these harder foods from the diet of human beings, the appendix ceased to be an essential organ, became smaller and smaller, lost any kind of specific function and became a vestigial organ, that is, atrophied structures. , with no evident function in the organism.

What are the functions of the appendix?

As previously described, the appendix lost its vital functions, that is, those that only it was able to perform and that, without its effectiveness, the human being's quality of life was impaired, but this does not mean that it has no function. Recently, it has become practically a consensus in medicine that the appendix contains lymphoid cells, which are very important in fighting infections, so the appendix may play a very important role in the immune system.

Appendix: do you know the importance of this organ?
drmicrobe / 123RF

According to research, these cells begin to accumulate in the appendix from the moment of birth, which helps in the maturation of other cells of the immune system and collaborates in the formation of IgA antibodies, essential to eliminate viruses and bacteria from the mucous membranes ( eyes, mouth and genitals, for example).

Also, according to other recent studies, the appendix would act as a deposit of good bacteria for the digestive tract, especially for the intestine. When the body suffers an infection that causes changes in the gut microbiota, such as severe diarrhea, these good bacteria stored in the appendix come into play, being released by the appendix so that they can grow and develop again in the gut, replacing those that were shed by the appendix. cause of the infection and functioning as a probiotic.


Well known, appendicitis is the main health problem related to the appendix. Appendicitis is nothing more than inflammation of the appendix, which can cause severe pain in the lower right part of the abdomen, as well as fever, nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite. About 11.6 million people suffer from appendicitis every year, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of the United States of America, published in 2015, but only about 50 thousand (0.4%) die. because of complications of this inflammation.

Appendicitis is always caused by a blockage of the appendix cavity. The reason for this blocking varies; most commonly, calcified stools do this, but it can also be caused by inflammation of the lymphoid tissue caused by tumors, gallstones, parasites, and viral infections. When this blockage occurs, for whatever reason, it causes increased pressure on the appendix, decreasing the blood supply to the organ's tissues and making room for the bacteria that cause appendicitis to grow.

Appendix: do you know the importance of this organ?
Sure Media / Pexels

With this blockage, the blood supply to the tissues of the organ is reduced, which potentiates the growth of bacteria that cause appendicitis. If the inflammation is not treated, the appendix can rupture, releasing bacteria throughout the abdominal cavity and causing severe abdominal pain, which can have serious complications and even lead to death if not treated in time.

The most common treatment for acute appendicitis, where the pain is extreme and the inflammation has lasted for some time, is surgical removal of the appendix, in which one or more small incisions are made to remove the organ. Its removal does not cause any harm. This surgery reduces any risk of death and other possible complications caused by inflammation. In simpler cases, antibiotics can be given to prevent the case from becoming a surgical necessity.

The Appendix on Body Language

According to Cristina Cairo, a specialist in Body Language, a technique that relates physical problems to emotional and sentimental causes, a person who suffers from appendicitis actually suffers from a fear of following their own paths, so this conflict obstructs the channel of happiness. . Generally, a person who suffers from this inflammation tends to hold grudges and feel that they deserve their suffering.

Other causes of appendicitis, according to Body Language, include having few moments of leisure, fun and pleasure and holding on to some relationship or some profession that, although frustrating, represents a comfort zone that, unfortunately, is not more useful, then it should be discarded.

Appendix: do you know the importance of this organ?
Gino Crescoli / Pixabay

Invasion and infection by bacteria, according to this study, are consequences of emotional disharmony. It is therefore necessary, after the scare of an appendicitis crisis, to change the way of thinking and acting, accepting happiness and relaxing in your free time. Allow peace to invade your heart.

Finally, it is important to eliminate grievances through true forgiveness and expand your knowledge about yourself, recognizing your potential to live happier with the people you love.

Although it has already been confirmed by psychology and traditional medicine that emotions do influence the physical state of our body, never replace a medical consultation and the exams that will be requested after this session for theories without scientific evidence, such as Language of the body. Seek, first of all, a professional, because it has already been understood that a case of untreated acute appendicitis can even result in death.

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What to do to have a healthy appendix?

Although the group most likely to develop appendicitis is adolescents and young adults who are close to 30 years of age, everyone can be affected by this inflammation throughout their lives, so provoking ways to prevent it is essential. A good way to do this is to include fiber-rich foods in your diet, because fiber, when ingested, facilitates intestinal transit and reduces the danger of organ obstruction. Drinking water is another highly recommended advice.

Finally, no balanced diet prevents such a case from happening, as other types of problems can cause appendicitis, so it is necessary to be aware of your symptoms and rush to an emergency room if you are experiencing any of them.

Although it does not have a defined and vital function in the human body, we learned that the appendix performs small tasks, such as replacing bacteria that were removed when the intestine needed to “clean itself”, as in diarrhea. That's why it's important to take care of your diet and be aware of the symptoms to prevent cases from getting more acute or even ending up causing death. Avoid appendicitis and take care of your appendix!

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