Anxiety and mental fatigue

I'm anxious! This is the phrase that is heard most in all corners of the world at the moment. I eat a lot because I'm anxious. I have headaches because I'm anxious. I have stomach problems from anxiety. I could quote many things here and I would spend hours. Anxiety, like depression, is a serious illness that increasingly takes place in people's lives. The big problem with this symptom is that it comes with several others that are installed in the body without warning. Anxiety is the ball of the moment, because people live fast. Thought is anywhere but the present. Those who live with thoughts of the future become anxious. A small dose of anxiety is beneficial, yes. It helps in the organization, planning, stages of a project. But when this extrapolates, it turns into a snowball, causing disorders that at some point will be reflected in the body and mind. Beneficial anxiety is the one that brings you pleasure. Whenever anxiety brings suffering, it is time to seek therapeutic help. The increasing demand within work institutions, homework with the family, the exhausting routine, daily stress are factors that trigger this increasingly serious disease. But is it possible to identify anxiety before it sets in?

Anxiety and mental fatigue

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Yea! Just pay attention to your body and the signals it sends you. Muscle tension, insomnia, feeling of mental fatigue, intestinal problems, agitation, eating disorders, among many others. But it is possible to find a way out to improve your quality of life. Organize your days in order to find time for leisure. Move yourself ! Any type of physical exercise can help you make life lighter. Even a light walk. They increase your levels of serotonin, that magical substance responsible for pleasure. Practice meditation, and if you can't just stop and listen to music with your eyes closed and in silence. Every day! Watch your thoughts. Avoid giving vent to those who torment you. Just as things can go wrong, they can also go right. Avoid taking on more tasks than you can handle. Stop carrying the world on your back. Let go of the things and people that don't make you grow. As you invest your time and energy in them, your own life is always on the sidelines. And don't hesitate to seek help from a professional. Aromatherapy, acupuncture, meditation have been strong allies in the treatment of anxiety. As well as psychoanalytic, psychiatric and psychological care, which can help you with deeper issues. Don't worry, get busy! Try to understand why there is so much “pre-occupation” with what hasn't happened yet, and maybe doesn't happen. After all, the future, until it comes to us, is just a brief thought. And nothing is more important than the present moment.

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