And when are you going to die?

When I was 18 years old, I knew I was going to die. We all go, it's the law of life.

But I was sure I wouldn't get past that age, I felt it inside me, it was like that and that's it, I didn't question myself about the reason for that feeling, because it didn't bother me at all, that's what it was. I was convinced that I had reached the maximum age for me.

I told my best friend and she just said I was crazy, and I believe most people who knew that, even those of you reading this right now, wouldn't think much differently. But it was my truth and I felt it in me, I didn't have much to do.

And when are you going to die?

I did not die. As you can see I'm here and my friend says I'm still working overtime.

As the β€œovertime” went by, I began to reflect on this feeling that I was going to die, but if I was still there, alive, when and how would I die?

And what is the reason for this feeling?

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I realized a funny thing, I was going to die, but not physically. I think the truth is that I could see things differently.

I hope this is somehow making some sense to you, I know it may seem like one of the craziest things you've read recently, but it's something so real and transformative that I felt the need to expose this memory.

I changed. There was a death, but not in the literal sense, the death was mine, but not of the flesh but of who I thought I was.

And when are you going to die?

I realized that I could die countless times in this life and that it's okay, it's necessary for human evolution.

Who I was 1 year ago may not be who I am right now. And that's great!

Life is evolution, and when I understood that, I realized a lot.

And you, when will you die?

I love you!
I'm sorry!
I'm grateful!

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