And whatever you ask for in prayer with β€œfaith”, you will receive.

And whatever you ask for in prayer with β€œfaith”, you will receive.

β€œAnd whatever you ask in prayer with 'faith,' you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22)

How many times have you wondered why God didn't hear your prayer? Why doesn't God answer you? The more you pray, the worse it gets?

To think so is a mistake. In fact, prayer (meditation) is the only channel of communication with the CREATOR SOURCE (God). And this connection with the Divine Creator will always have an answer, not always satisfactory to those who ask, because, many times, this answer may come in the form of deliverances whose why you will understand sooner or later.

God is pleased to answer the requests of his children, he just says "yes", "yes", "yes". But many do not hear this β€œyes” or are blind to divine blessings.

What happens?

Many people pray or meditate without any understanding, they speak words out of their mouths, often memorized and repetitive words, other times they do it without enthusiasm or pleasure. They do it out of mere obligation or fear of being punished. And with that, nothing will help, nothing will happen, they will just be anxious and worried, because they didn't say the prayer in the certainty that it has already been answered.

It is necessary to remember and understand once and for all that there is no punishing God, but a God of love who gave us free will so that we can co-create our reality and be responsible for our lives. If someone had to be worthy by praying the same prayer every day, without feeling, no one would be answered. Because God answers according to the manifestation of faith, in feeling and vibrating, making your life a quantum prayer, with thoughts and feelings, vibrating in love and joy.

True prayer must have body, soul and spirit!

Body is the action, it is standing in a prayer position, it is speaking clearly what you want, it is speaking to your neighbor a word that can help you to understand the universal laws, it is forgiving, it is meditating, it is praying in your own words and be sure, in the vibration of gratitude, that your request has already been answered.

Soul is admitting to yourself your worries, fears, anxieties, bad habits, judgments, in the determination that, after this recognition, you will have a new awareness of forgiving yourself, forgiving your neighbor and that everything has been cleansed. You will feel like: "Enough, it's over!".

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Spirit is your intelligent part, called the superconscious mind, which takes all your requests along with your faith to God.

Summing up faith: it's the certainty that your desire is already answered when you think, feel and visualize it as real, it's the true prayer we must pray!

Peace and Light!

This text was written by Eliana Fagundes, Quantum Vibrational Psychotherapist associated with ASITEQ.

WhatsApp (17) 99149-8507

Instagram: @elianafagundes_terapeuta

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