Ananda incense for cleansing and energy balance

A person who wants to do a spiritual cleansing in himself or in an environment will look for incense that fulfill this function. Generally, they are a stick produced from an aromatic herb, whose slow burning produces a fragrant smoke and full of good energies.

Although many people know rosemary, lavender, citronella incense, among others, there is a very special variety of this energy purification instrument. Ananda incense is not made with just one herb, and it represents much more of a concept than a specific scent.

But what concept would that be? Ananda is not a plant or a flower. In fact, it is a state of consciousness. In Hinduism, this expression means ecstasy, or supreme happiness. Furthermore, it is one of the three characteristics of the Absolute, which are: Sat (reality), Cit (consciousness) and Ananda (bliss).

Thus, Ananda is the state of consciousness that a person attains upon reaching the highest level of evolution. At this point, she already feels complete and happy and doesn't surrender to possible desires that used to consume her. So, Ananda incense is a way of incorporating this concept and stimulating it in each person through a mixture of aromatic herbs.

What is Ananda's incense for?

Ananda incense can be made up of herbs and resins such as camphor, myrrh, rue, lavender, pine and benzoin. It is the coming together of these aromas that can lead to the feeling of love, completeness and happiness that the Ananda state of mind characterizes. However, there are other benefits that this incense brings to a person.

For a person to feel full and happy, the energies that flow through them must be balanced. Thus, Ananda incense serves to align a body's energy centers (chakras), promoting energy flow and filtering out negativity that may have accumulated throughout the day. If you want to restore your balance, this is the ideal incense for your mind.

Ananda incense for cleansing and energy balance
Michu Dang Quang / Unsplash

Another functionality of Ananda incense is the promotion of relaxation. Since the best state of mind we can have is one of peace and tranquility, the herbs chosen for this instrument, such as lavender and camphor, allow you to breathe better and reduce your stress levels. It is also possible to check the stabilization of the heartbeat, combating the feeling of anxiety.

By allowing the smoke of Ananda's incense to spread through the environment, you will be promoting a balance of the energies of space and the alignment of the chakras of all the individuals present in it. It is important, however, that you make sure that none of the people will be bothered by the aroma of the incense which, because it contains camphor, may be a little stronger than the others.

How to use Ananda incense

If you can't wait to buy your Ananda incense to have a full and more balanced life, it's time to learn the ways to use this instrument and what can enhance its effect. Check out!

The first way to harness the power of Ananda's incense is through the dissipation of smoke throughout the environment. With this technique, you will ward off negative energies that accumulate even in the most hidden corners of your home or office.

Ananda incense for cleansing and energy balance
Albuu Album Design / Unsplash

To perform it, you just need to light the incense, until it starts to burn, and walk with it around the place, leaving the windows open. As the smoke spreads through the environment, you must mentalize good energies, peace, balance and love, ensuring that only good vibes are present.

On the other hand, if you want Ananda's incense to act on you specifically, the best thing to do is to light it and, holding it by the thinnest end, go around your entire body, from head to toe, three times. So, let the smoke cover you and say out loud what you want to have a happier life.

To help you translate your desire for a more balanced life and activate the Ananda state of consciousness, you can say the quantum prayer of happiness and love. See how she is!

Quantum prayer of happiness and love

"M happy! I'm happy! I am reality! I am the portrait of the most constant happiness.
Every day I feel the intensity of life being born in me. My thoughts overflow with fullness of joy.

I love myself! I accept myself! I love myself the way I am! My soul is happy!
Life smiles at me all the time. I am fully in tune with my being.

I radiate happiness: I laugh, vibrate, sing, clap, jump, hug, scream, run, lie on my bed and thank you for being the happiest person in the world.
Thank you for such a deep feeling. M happy! M happy! M happy! I have everything I ever wanted!

I am peace! I am joy! I am happiness! I am the most perfect and inspiring reality!
I am the way to love. I am success for the dreamer. I am what everyone is looking for.

I am the portrait of the purest tenderness. I am happiness! And I thank you for my state of bliss and serenity.

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  • Incense sticks: what are they and what are they for?

Having a full and happy life is possible for everyone and even easier for those who bet on the power of Ananda's incense. Whether you aim to achieve this state of consciousness, bring more balance to an environment, or simply feel good about who you are, bring Ananda's incense into your life!

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