Amor no Cabide: clothes for those in need

    Imagine a homeless person who doesn't have an outfit and suddenly finds a piece he needs on his way, even more so on cold days? Whoever made this outfit available had a very generous attitude, right? This is what students from a pre-university course in Porto Alegre do for two years: the project Love on the hanger.

     Where does it take place and how does it take place?

    Amor no Cabide: clothes for those in needFênix Vestibulares, from Porto Alegre (RS), is responsible for the project Phoenix Heart – Love on the Hanger which works as follows: clothes that are donated by students or other people are separated by the students themselves and placed on a hanger. Afterwards, they go to the central region of the city, where more homeless people are concentrated, and put the clothes hangers in some public places.

    All you need to do is provide the hangers that people who need them are already approaching and removing clothes and accessories, such as sneakers, and taking them for themselves. Many homeless people who no longer had a suitable coat, for example, managed to get another one in better condition and were happy.

    action spread

    This is a very positive action and the students involved feel very good doing this task force. And as the project has been in Porto Alegre for two years, it crossed borders and ended up in other states – where other institutions and people were inspired to implement the idea.

    And the project is not just for Fênix Vestibulares students. There are several collection points in Porto Alegre where hangers are scattered. In this case, people who see a hanger can also leave clothes they no longer use or want to donate there. It is a chain of love for others that spreads.

    Amor no Cabide: clothes for those in needClicking here you can have more information and consult the delivery points of the parts you want to donate.

    A way to spread love

    projects like the Love on the hanger show how people are becoming aware of society, in addition to the increase in the number of individuals who want to help others. This current points to a society that is making a crossing, that doesn't just look at its navel, but that cares about those around it.

    Initiatives like this should spread to every city in the country. They need to be the headlines of television news to show that there is not only bad things nowadays, there is a lot of good things happening, but it is not highlighted in the media. Congratulations to the projects, to the creators, to those involved. Everyone thanks you!

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
    Images: Publicity/Reproduction

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