Allow yourself to discover new versions of yourself

I was in a discussion about clothing style and personality: “I think each person has to have a style… It doesn't suit so-and-so to have several!”, said a colleague, while I promptly disagreed. After all, why limit yourself to just one, when we can have several? Why the need to box yourself in to feel like you belong?

We are talking about human beings. Different thoughts surround our self, and therefore, we are changeable. To break this path of false identities, it is enough to question our limiting beliefs. How many times this year have you stopped to question which concepts no longer serve you and how many others attract you? Put under suspicion what you believe and defend as absolute truth. What we take to be true or false leads us to precipices that are completely taxing and suffocating.

Allow yourself to discover new versions of yourself

When we leave our usual atmosphere, space opens up for unimaginable discoveries. Each novelty is an opportunity to look at ourselves from new perspectives. Concepts and convictions, ideas and ideals, dogmas and religions; most should have an expiration date. Whether for transformations, for improvements, or for the simple fact that they don't wear anymore.

In order for all of our many facets to be respected and then expressed, we have to allow ourselves. Allow us to find completely different versions, but which complement each other and make us what we are. There is much to be discovered if we recognize our insignificance in this universe so vast and full of possibilities.

Allow yourself to discover new versions of yourself

"I have more than one soul; There are more mes than myself. I exist, however, indifferent to all; I silence them: I speak.” Ricardo Reis

Like me, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche presents himself as multiples in one of his books, and also points out the need to dare so that we can conquer ourselves:

“I am several. There are crowds in me.
At the table of my soul sit many, and I am all of them.
There is an old man, a child, a sage, a fool.
You'll never know who you're sitting with or how long you'll stay with each of me.
But I promise that if we sit down at the table, in this sacred ritual I will give you at least one of the many that I am,
and I will run the risks of being together on the same plane.
[…] As has already been said: dare to conquer yourself.”

Nietzsche – The Gay Science

Allow yourself to discover new versions of yourself

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Freeing yourself from the box is discovering new faces of yourself. It's getting closer to who you really are, like a never-ending puzzle. Although I discover many, I know that they are all just remnants of the whole, part and retail. The final construction of who we are comes with time and ends only with death. I am the selves that left, the ones that stayed and the selves that we will still be. All of them are in continuous search for novelties.

For those who try it, the search is delicious, fun and light. Without the burden of anxiety and ego-driven perfectionism. It is a search for those who do not limit themselves and do not stagnate. It only respects the comings and goings in a constant work of becoming.

"Living is tearing and mending." Guimarães Rosa

We continue day!

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