All about pregnancy test

Every woman who has an active sex life has at some point been faced with the following question: β€œAm I pregnant?”. This issue stems from menstrual delays, mood swings, physical changes and even simple intuition. The early signs of pregnancy can be extremely subtle, but there are several symptoms that can enhance the perception of pregnancy.

Usually, when a woman thinks she is pregnant, she immediately runs to a pharmacy and buys those famous pregnancy tests. But do these tests really work? Or are there other ways that can confirm or not a pregnancy? In this article, we are going to unravel all the mysteries about pregnancy tests and clarify all doubts about this subject. Pay attention and stay inside this beautiful world that is the world of women!

All about pregnancy test
Copyright : Olga Sabiryanova

What is a pregnancy test?

A pregnancy test is nothing more than a test that can determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. It emerged in the 1930s, the result of the study of two researchers at the University of Cape Town, Harry Zwarestein and Hillel Shapiro. These two men discovered that it was possible to declare a pregnancy from a woman's urine – at the time, urine was injected into a frog of a specific gender, and if it ovulated, it would be confirmation that the woman was pregnant. This procedure was used worldwide from 1930 to 1960, and was later replaced by latex agglutination.

What types of tests exist?

According to science, there are two types of pregnancy test: blood and urine. These types identify HCG, which is the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, produced by the placenta during the gestation period. With the increase in technology and also the anxiety when it comes to discovering a pregnancy or not, many women perform various tests, some of which are even homemade and online. However, it is worth noting that the most reliable test of all and that can still detect a pregnancy earlier is the blood test!

Now that you know a little bit about the concept of the pregnancy test, get to know some types and clear all your doubts!

home pregnancy test

If you're anxious to find out if you're pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test. But know that this type of test has no scientific proof that it is really reliable. However, in the discovery anxiety scenario, you can try some homemade tricks. Here's how to take a pregnancy test without leaving home:

– Home pregnancy test with salt: collect some of your urine in a disposable cup and then add three pinches of salt. Stir the urine and salt with a spoon (also disposable) until dissolved and wait for 10 minutes. Some people claim that if β€œcream” forms on the urine, it means you are pregnant!

– Bleach pregnancy test: in a disposable cup, collect some of your urine and add a little bit of bleach. If the color of your urine turns a reddish-brown color at the time of mixing, it is a great sign of pregnancy. But what explains this fact? They say that, just like in pharmacy tests, bleach reacts in contact with hCG, which, during pregnancy, is in greater quantity in the woman's body.

swab test

The cotton swab test is one of the most famous tricks women trying to conceive often do. It helps to know if menstruation is coming or if the woman may be pregnant. See how to do it:

Wash your hands well and take a cotton swab. Insert it into the vaginal canal until it reaches the cervix. Take it out; note the color of the cotton and also the consistency of the secretion or the liquid that will be on it. If the cotton swab is pink, brownish, or has signs of blood, it is a sign that your menstrual cycle will soon begin. But if the cotton is dry or white, chances are you are already pregnant. Obviously, this is not a confirmation, but a possibility.

Note: This test should be done if you are close to your menstrual cycle or if it is late. If either of these two options are valid for the moment, you take the test and the swab returns without any changes, chances are you won't get your period anytime soon - and you well know what that can mean.

All about pregnancy test
Copyright : Manevska

pharmacy pregnancy test

The test purchased at the pharmacy is reliable - whether strips or digital - as long as it is done correctly, on the first day of missed period. This type of test estimates the presence of the hormone hCG in the urine, which is produced by the placenta when a woman is pregnant. The hormone increases during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

It is very important that this test is not done before the delay, as it can present a false negative, due to the fact that the amount of hCG is still low; thus, it ends up not being detected by the pharmacy test. But how to take the pharmacy pregnancy test? We will explain to you!

– When to take the pharmacy test: this type of test should be done as soon as your period is late. But, if the result of the first test is negative and your menstrual cycle still doesn't start, or if you notice some symptoms that indicate a possible pregnancy, buy a test again and take it within 3 to 5 days.

– How to take the pharmacy pregnancy test at home: it is preferable that you buy the test and do it with the first urine in the morning, because at that time it is more concentrated and, therefore, has a greater amount of hCG – however , the test result can also be correct if done at other times of the day, as long as the woman does not urinate for four hours before doing so. Anyway, it's pretty simple to do this test! Just urinate in a completely clean container and place the test strip for a few seconds in contact with the urine (you can also read the instructions found in the test box); then withdraw. Hold the device or test strip horizontally, or place the test on a surface; wait 1 to 6 minutes.

– Result: when two lines appear, the result is positive and confirms the pregnancy; when only a small line appears, the result is negative and indicates that the woman is not pregnant, or that it was not possible to detect the pregnancy, usually because it is still very recent.

Note: after 10 minutes, the test result may change due to external factors, so do not take into account if there is any change after this time.

In addition to this type of pharmacy test, there are digital pregnancy tests, in which the process is practically the same (the contact of a sensor with the urine), however, they indicate on a display whether the woman is pregnant or not, and still indicate the time of gestation.

Attention: even with these tests, it is recommended to do a blood test, because only then will you have the exact confirmation of the pregnancy, without any possible margin of error.

All about pregnancy test
Copyright : Engdao Wichitpunya

pregnancy test price

Now, the question that doesn't want to be silent: β€œHow much does a pregnancy test cost?”! We'll tell you!

Strip pharmacy pregnancy tests, such as Clear Blue Easy and Confirme Tira, cost on average between R$10,00 and R$27,00. In general, the price range is around this average, but there are some tests sold per unit that cost from R$3,90 to R$7,90. Digital tests are a little more expensive, ranging between R$30,00 and R$80,00 – depending on the brand and region.

Does Online Pregnancy Test Exist?

These tests are simple, but – obviously – they cannot confirm the existence of a pregnancy. They are based on specific questions about symptoms and about the first signs that the body presents at the beginning of a pregnancy. Generally, questions offer only two answer options: yes and no. Of course, if most of your answers are positive, the result will point to a possible pregnancy.

There is also a lot of speculation about online pregnancy tests with fingerprints, but these virtual means are not reliable – it is only possible to look out for certain symptoms by asking specific questions. In any case, the blood test is the best option to confirm a possible pregnancy.

Positive pregnancy test: what to do now?

If you have had a home or pharmacy test, it is recommended to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test. If it is confirmed that you are pregnant, it is very likely that you will feel a lot of feelings, but calm down! Pregnancy is a beautiful moment for women, and you don't have to despair!

The first step is to tell your partner and your family. At this time, any sincere support is important, and you should not go through this moment alone. It is liberating to share the joy and even the anxiety of generating new life within your own body. Then, look for an obstetrician to monitor your pregnancy from pregnancy. He will ask for tests and you will start prenatal care, a period during which medical assistance is provided in every month of pregnancy until delivery, in order to avoid any problems for you and your child.

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Many people are startled by the news of a pregnancy, but with the follow-up of a doctor and the support of the family, there is nothing to worry about!

Negative pregnancy test: do I believe it or do I take the test anyway?

As already mentioned, the results of home and pharmacy tests are not 100% reliable. If you've done any of them and it's negative, know that it could be a false negative because of the length of gestation, or simply because some methods are not effective. It is recommended that you take a blood test to make sure you are pregnant or not.

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