alien life exists

The existence of extraterrestrial life is, to say the least, a complex topic. Whether you believe it or not depends on how we position ourselves on the issue. What we define by life is the core of the theme. Life can present itself in different ways. Believing in life outside planet Earth is no longer an issue.

Not so long ago bacteria were discovered on Mars or complex organic molecules on a moon on Saturn. Bacteria or organic molecules by themselves are living beings and being on Mars or Saturn are extraterrestrials. It turns out that when we touch on this subject, we assume that the living beings we are looking for have some similarities to us. May they be intellectually superior beings, capable of space-time travel and that somehow visit us, watch over us and contact us.

This reality was mainly created by the North American film industry, which made the world think that all ET's would be little green, slender and big-headed men who would fly over planet Earth in their flying saucers. Joking with the situation, I sincerely hope that humanity does not evolve in this direction and we are aesthetically similar to this fantasy! But let's face it, reality cannot and is not that simple. The observable universe is something so big that not even infinity defines it.

If we think logically, it could be the case that in another solar system the perfect conditions for the creation of intelligent life are combined. Now the shape or color they have, the way they breathe or breathe themselves, their organic nature are all assumptions. I believe that there are still materials, compositions or even colors of which we are totally oblivious and imagining what we do not know becomes an impossible task, as our knowledge is the barrier of our imagination. In order to carry out the correct exercise of thought on the subject, we would have to exempt ourselves from all the preconceptions we have about it. We would have to rationalize it on a white sheet.

alien life exists
Photo by Snapwire/Pexels

“Wanting so much to find a similar way of life stems from our primary fear of loneliness. In this case, a collective loneliness. Humanity afraid of finding itself alone in the vastness of the universe.”

If, on the one hand, the universe is too vast for us to be alone, on the other hand, if there is so much evidence that extraterrestrial life exists and visits us, why are we not aware of it? Why do only a small number of people claim to have made contact? Why don't governments release information if they have it? Shouldn't we, as humanity, be prepared or know how to act in such a scenario? The silence of governments is presented either as negligence or simply as a lack of evidence and evidence. A curious fact is that nowadays we live in the age of image and technology, everyone has the ability to capture images almost instantly and, however, the records of UFO appearances are rarer compared to previous decades. This factor may make us think that there was a lot of image manipulation when this technique was more restricted and not globally dominated.

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“We are probably the most extraordinary coincidence ever. The perfect combination of all factors.”

It will be difficult, therefore, that something elsewhere has been created in our likeness. To choose the difficult word is to leave the door ajar to a small, albeit remote, possibility. But the unknown cannot be certain, so I always take precautions with a small chance. I believe more that in our observable universe we will find small forms of life - molecular, bacterial -, but without ruling out the possibility of other existences.

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