Ah, oh time!

    The growing immediacy of our model of society and work has prevented people from enjoying every moment of their lives in the best possible way. The time we have hasn't changed over the years, but the way we spend it during the day has changed. And this change may have been positive for the market and for large companies, but many people have a reduced quality of life when they can't organize themselves with everything they need to do.

    Ah, oh time!

    What robs us of the time we have is often the fact that we dedicate ourselves exclusively to interruptions from the internet and social networks: messages and photos all day, videos of cute animals, games with several levels, tests to discover something from an algorithm (in the style: which dog would you be?), among others. It is at this moment that we lose fractions of time when we could dedicate ourselves to other activities. So, a first step to make the most of your day is to rethink the time you spend on the internet and social media.

    Ah, oh time!

    It's not just interruptions that make a day less fruitful. When we don't define what are the most important activities of our day, we tend to engage in tasks that take up a lot of time and will not result in positive, lasting or effective actions. Or else, we forget to do what really matters because we dedicate ourselves to tasks that appear throughout the day and have a lower urgency, or could be done more calmly. It is necessary to define priorities and from them organize what really needs to be done in one day and what can be left for later.

    Another factor that leads to a waste of time is meetings, which could be replaced by emails, in many cases. It is important to recognize and separate which issues need to be discussed and decided together and which can be defined by one or two people., in order to save time traveling from one place to another and possible distractions during the meeting.

    Ah, oh time!

    Finally, you need to organize a task thinking about when it will be the point at which it will be completed.. Sometimes, we dedicate ourselves a lot to finishing more and more an activity or a product, without realizing that it would have been ready for a long time. Creativity can always be used in everything we develop, but it is necessary to limit it so that your time is not shortened by projects that take too long.

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