5 tips for those who have never had therapy

Many believe that do therapy it's the biggest investment anyone can make for themselves. And this is no exaggeration, after all, the treatment proves that you want to improve. However, even with such a perception, people are slow to look for the psychologist. The reasons for postponing the meeting? Fear of not knowing what to say, not knowing how to express yourself, and the panic of imagining that the professional exposes the content of the conversation. Did you identify yourself? so check it out 5 tips for those who have never had therapy:

total secrecy

That's the first thing you need to know. At graduation, the psychologists they swear not to tell anything about what they hear. The professional is like a priest who cannot say anything about what he hears in the confessional.

don't be silent

Na first therapy appointment ask the professional's training, which current he follows, the methods, how the treatment is conducted... The most interested party is you, so extract all the information you deem necessary.

Reflect on what you want to expose

5 tips for those who have never had therapyThink about what led you to seek psychological help. Write down the following questions on paper: Why do I need therapy? Do I feel prolonged sadness? Are fear, anguish, frustration and anger constant feelings? Answer these questions and take it to the first therapy session.

Be sincere

Don't hide anything from the professional. He doesn't work miracles and needs his collaboration to help him. Tell everything in detail, without fear.

You can change psychologists

There may be no connection between you and the professional. It may also happen that you don't like his behavior. If you are not comfortable with the psychologist, you have the right to turn to another professional.

Now there are no more excuses not to do therapy. When you start treatment, share your experience with us.

  • Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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