After all, what is this happiness?

    After all, what is this happiness?

    The word HAPPINESS comes from the Latin FELICITAS, “happiness” from FELIX, “happy”, which comes from a Greek verb PHYO, “to produce”, related to produce, generate, fertilize, fertility.

    Therefore, happiness is related to a feeling generated through production, whether it is a mental production of a good memory that draws a smile on our face, whether it is the production of the first culinary recipe with that inexplicable feeling of ability or when we take our first steps, we speak and write the first words, we pass the entrance exam, we get that job, that person we like, the birth of a child. Apparently, happiness is always associated with the production of something, it is related to an accomplishment, an achievement.

    I even remember a scene from the movie "THE LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS", in which the character spends the entire movie looking for his and his son's survival, making many sacrifices, giving up and renouncing important moments such as being by his son's side, because if puts in effort, tirelessly producing without monetary gain in an internship, with a promise that “doing well” and standing out from the other candidates will get you a job with a good salary at a big company.

    not ending (Spoiler attention for those who haven't seen the movie yet!), he gets the spot, passing with maximum marks and, when going down the elevator after the big news, he arrives at a very busy street, raises his hands in the air and claps his hands for himself, this is happiness, this feeling of having reached the goal set, is to conquer. He wasn't worried that they would think he was crazy, because the feeling of happiness is related to something much bigger, which takes us out of the mental and connects us with our true essence.

    Therefore, there is only one way to be happy, and that is to produce! Many people are in search of great happiness, but they want something effortlessly, they think that a lot of money, a great love, a child, a house or a specific car can provide this feeling, but without effort these achievements are not possible. I'm not saying that everything demands sacrifices, but that it is necessary to produce, perform, it takes movement, putting your hands in action, legs, arms, the whole body, mind and our wonderful gland, the thymus, responsible for producing serotonin. , the hormone of happiness; without stimuli, this gland located in the center of our chest does not work and atrophies.

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    In fact, one of the causes of people ending up in depression is because they deprive themselves of happiness for small things, always waiting for great events, great experiences. In fact, our reality is to be happy that we eat three times a day and that we can simply bake a cake. Waking up is a reason to be grateful and happy and, with each good feeling, we are feeding our thymus gland, because, in this way, it gets strong, producing defense cells and making it happier every day in a natural way.

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