Aerial Yoga and Spirituality

We know that Yoga is a union between body, mind e spirit. It is a philosophy of life that must be lived in everyday actions, not just in the practice room. Yoga is present, not future, and its practice must be done with detachment. It's no use being in a hurry to arrive, because the place is here and the time is now. Yoga is a path made by walking. In essence, Yoga is the union of the Human Being with the Divine that exists within him. Yoga is the possibility of becoming the best version of ourselves.

How is Yoga divine?

By training the body and the mind at the same time, Yoga creates a state of balance that helps the practitioner to face all tensions without being shaken. It develops a new posture, not only physical, but also mental, it develops a new look at life, preventing the appearance of diseases and helping to cure the ills already installed.

Why does Yoga work?

It's simple, a synonym for disease is imbalance. Yoga works because it keeps opposites in balance. The masculine and feminine energies present in all of us are harmonized during the practice of Yoga, making people more complete and life fuller. The practice of Yoga is extremely effective to prevent and cure diseases, helping in the treatment of numerous ills.

Among the main benefits are: better breathing; ease of digestion; balance of hormone production; better sleep pattern; strengthening the immune system; keeping the body healthier; increased concentration; more flexible muscles and ideas too, in short, a better quality of life in all aspects.

Aerial Yoga and Spirituality

Each Yoga posture is accompanied by conscious breathing and constant attention to all parts of the body involved in the exercise. This leads to greater mental tranquility, leading the Yoga practitioner to fully experience the present moment, the here and now, keeping their energy in what they are doing. By staying in a posture, the practitioner is developing concentration, courage, determination, flexibility, balance, sensitivity, humility and self-knowledge. Qualities that after practice he takes to his life, to his day to day, making life lighter, fuller and happier.

And Aerial Yoga, what does it have to do with all this?

Em very first place we need to make it very clear here that the Aerial Yoga it did not come to replace any traditional Yoga method. Aerial Yoga is just an extension of an ancient practice that practitioners have known and honored over time. It is a new way of practicing Yoga where special fabrics attached to the ceiling are used as tools to aid in performing traditional Yoga postures, the asanas. Aerial Yoga can be practiced by everyone, at all ages, from the most beginners to those with a higher level of experience and flexibility.

In the very natural evolution of Hatha Yoga, different ways of practicing Yoga have emerged over time. All of them with the aim of improving physical and mental health, so that the practitioner can better relate to the stress of everyday life, connect with their inner self, creating union between body, mind and soul, and also seeking to adjust practice for people of all ages and abilities. And it was following this natural evolution that Aerial Yoga emerged.

In Aerial Yoga, as in traditional Hatha Yoga classes, you start with concentration, chanting mantras, breathing exercises (so-called pranayamas), body warm-up exercises, and then we let the tissue envelop us and help us perform. the most traditional postures of Yoga. Classes always end with a pleasant guided relaxation accompanied by very soft music, with practitioners comfortably snuggled inside the swing-shaped fabrics, which they usually call cocoons.

Aerial Yoga and Spirituality

According to the mentor of the method Aerial Yoga Spain, Sarah Clotworthy, with the weight of the body supported on the fabric, the student can more easily perceive the correct alignment of the posture through relaxation, instead of effort, being able to find a state of peace and a very effective feeling of body lightness. Because, when we practice Aerial Yoga, we use gravity in our favor, letting energy flow free in our energy centers called Chakras, and when we use Mudras and Pranayamas, we intensify the power of this energy even more.

Aerial Yoga and Spirituality

The regular practice of Aerial Yoga develops strength and flexibility in the same measure and without impact, seeking physical and mental balance, being able to find results faster than in other methods. One of the greatest benefits of this modality is a state of mental relaxation, while the body is supported, allowing the practitioner to focus on breathing, without forcing the postures that are more difficult, avoiding any type of injury due to exaggerated effort. Because, when the bone structure is supported, the muscles tend to stretch more easily, without the discomfort of some poses like Sirshasana, which is a very advanced inverted pose. In Aerial Yoga it is performed without compressing the cervical spine. As such, even beginning students can practice more advanced poses, such as Sirshasana, which is a headstand, as well as countless other poses at this level, without risk of injury.

Aerial Yoga proposes to open the body, for the mind to also open, balancing all the energies of our BEING, so that we have health on all levels: physical, mental and emotional.

By now you might be wondering, what does all this have to do with spirituality? And I answer: ALL. It's all about. Both traditional Yoga and Aerial Yoga are practices that contemplate a fuller life, a more conscious day to day, a vision of the world with a new look.

Aerial Yoga and Spirituality

At the same time, we take care of the health of body, mind and soul, and we learn to develop the ability to look at all Human Beings as members of the same family, our family, a family called humanity.

And when we can see the world from that point of view, when we can develop this ability in ourselves, our consciousness expands and we become the best version of ourselves. We come to understand that we are not just Human Beings who have a spirit, but Spiritual Beings experiencing a human experience on Planet Earth.

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