abundance and prosperity

    Beloved! At the end of the great Cycle of Atonements and Trials in a World of Duality, humanity on Earth will definitely enter a New Era, in which abundance and prosperity will, in fact, be for everyone, without distinction.

    If the Soul Fractal experience here has always been to experience polarities, it is natural that, with each incarnation, new learnings would require a wide variety of different lessons. This was the guideline that guided the way of life of each and every incarnation. Now in one polarity, now in the other. Everyone has been rich in one lifetime, and also very miserable in another.

    The divine project for Planet Earth follows its course, regardless of whether its human inhabitants are ready or not for the new Age that is ahead. Once the frequency of the Planet rises into the Dimensions of 5D and above, anything that vibrates below 5D can no longer exist here.

    Just understand what frequency is tuning. Just as a radio station can only be tuned when the radio set is on its frequency, souls from Earth can only be accepted on this Planet if they are on the same tune/frequency with it. There is no other possibility.

    But today we are not going to talk about the New Earth here. Let's, yes, talk about something that is already happening and will be very interesting from now on. Let's talk about ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY.

    Even if the Planet is not yet fully within the New Age, since this process takes around 3 Centuries, we know that we are in its final moments, and also the most important events of this Transition.

    All systems known to humanity and also those that have been hidden from them begin to disintegrate. Nothing will be even a shadow of what it was before. New Systems are already starting to work, and, little by little, the change will be total, as there is no comparison that can be understood with minds still in 3D. The important thing, for now, is that, at least, the incarnate souls trust and know that everything is coming for the best.

    The long-awaited time is finally here. We have said here before that this is the last incarnation of duality. Therefore, the one who disincarnates without the minimum frequency for the 5D New Earth will no longer reincarnate here. See the size of the importance of the moment! This final opportunity cannot be wasted!

    With the Earth Timeline shift in 2010, the Transition leaves behind the toughest events, classified as Armageddon, and will go through as smooth a Transition as possible. This is the reason why most of humanity doesn't even realize what is really happening.

    abundance and prosperity
    Pixabay / Pexels

    The wider consciousnesses already perceive the movement and the incredible current changes. And they will continue until their conclusion, regardless of the number of incarnates who believe or not. In spite of the number they make the movements along with the changes that occur. Resistance to follow the flow of change will only harm those who resist. Nothing will affect the part of humanity that decides to ascend along with Gaia. This is a DECREE OF THE CREATOR.

    The Old Systems Reset and the New Systems Reset suitable for 5D Earth has already started around 2016 and should be finished in a few more years. Current indications show that they should not go beyond 2030, but I would particularly venture to say that they will be finished a little earlier, maybe even 2025 or 2026.

    But time does not matter, because what matters is that now everything is heading towards its apex. Nothing and no one can stop what is to come. And the apparent chaos that appears to be real is, in fact, the re-accommodation and adjustments necessary for the changes taking place.

    Among such changes, there is one that is of great interest to the majority of humanity: the FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The experiences lived so far have been harsh in relation to abundance and scarcity. And that left deep traumas in every human consciousness. Fear and lack are memories that haven't healed yet. But, as we said before, now everything will end, because the time is Transition.

    The old Financial System was suited to experiencing the polarities between abundance and scarcity. Those who learned will now live in a New Age, that is, the Golden Age. The QFS (Quantum Financial System) is already in place. It is gradually replacing the known Old System. Therefore, most who expect a major impact in this sector will not notice. Yes, the day will come when it will be announced that nothing more than what was before will be valid.

    abundance and prosperity
    Kat Smith / Pexels

    But it is no cause for concern, as the Quantum System knows everything about every human being. He has recorded everything since 1950. All financial transactions, lawful and illicit dealings, all individual earnings and their origin, all thoughts, including each one's, are now recorded. And that will determine what, in fact, belongs or does not belong to each human being. In the final exchange of the Financial System, no one will keep what does not rightfully belong to them. And all those who worked and were exploited will take back what is rightfully theirs.

    Earth is a female consciousness, therefore she is a mother. And, by that nature, no child of Gaia should suffer the lack of any decent means of survival. And that will be the general norm soon. But it is necessary to understand that a mother does not offer something to her child that will harm him. The moment to receive a tool, an opportunity, a freedom or anything else, the mother knows and, therefore, she would not risk giving something that could harm one of her children.

    THE ABUNDANCE is now available to those who are ready to make good use of it. It will be a gradual distribution according to each one's fair time. There will, yes, priorities, but nothing that does not always bring benefits. Those who do not yet know how to use a tool cannot have access to it, as they could run the risk of harming themselves. These will be criteria adopted from now on.

    The frequency conducive to receiving abundance will, in fact, be based on each one's responsibility; in the intentions of how each one will use and for what purposes will be used such resources. Also remembering that competition, lust for power, exaggerated vanity, pride and addictions are 3D vibrations and will not have the frequency to align with abundance. However, cooperation will be an important key that will trigger the new System.

    abundance and prosperity
    Artem Beliaikin / Pexels

    THE PROSPERITY it will be a frequency aligned with abundance and will bring to fruition all the initiatives of those who already vibrate in the highest consciousnesses. Therefore, in the near future, all humanity on Earth will be aligned and living in abundance and prosperity. For now, we already know that there is a lot going on. The New System is slowly taking over and replacing the Old System.

    As this event will not happen in just one moment, but gradually, I suggest that everyone, starting today, reflect deeply on himself. See if you are truly worthy of infinite abundance. What would you do with the unlimited resources that would eventually be offered to you. Your conscience must be pure and free from any selfish interest. Free from individual ambitions.

    Unconditional love; plans that involve cooperation, collectivity, care for nature, animals, land and water are also important. true solidarity, without personal interests; assistance to humanitarian projects; the work of guidance, healing and enlightenment; activities aimed at recovering the environment; in short, every thought that involves the collective as a whole, without preferences and distinctions, all this will count in favor for you to be among the priorities, in order to receive the deserved abundance.

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    But even if you don't fit any of the above quotes, don't be frustrated, for whatever you do or don't do, in due course all the righteous will receive their due. Don't ask me, โ€œDo I deserve it? Ask each of your conscience. Only she can answer.

    Christ left a hint when he said: โ€œHelp yourself, and I will help youโ€. So it's all up to you. Deserve it.

    I'm Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


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