About Toxic Behaviors and Why You Should Walk Away

โ€œKnow that poison only kills if you swallow it. Set it aside, in the same old rotten bottle, and it can't do you any harm.โ€

About Toxic Behaviors and Why You Should Walk Away

We cannot choose what other people say, but we must be aware that what the other says does not reflect who we are, but reflects an undeniable face of those who criticize. We are, every day, surrounded by toxic behaviors, coming from people we like or not, and that from time to time drain our energy, our vitality.

People who are unhappy, arrogant, apathetic, who have not been loved by their parents, and who have not learned to love themselves. These people often become toxic, killing everything they touch, repelling any feelings of friendship, affection or affection, people who cannot receive support or advice, in the first instance, because they do not believe they need help, love, give a hug. And unfortunately the only thing we can do in these cases is to walk away, because the light is available to everyone, but unfortunately some people prefer to remain in the dark.

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There are days when we are happy as hell and nothing shakes us, but there are other days when we are more sensitive to the reality that surrounds us and when we hear a negative comment we end up caring and being devastated inside, all because we believe that maybe what the other has said is true. What if it is? Are you not mature enough to accept this criticism head-on, even if it is said to your face? Do you not have enough autonomy to know if what the other says is true or not? Do you not know yourself? Well, if the answer is no, then it's time to look inside yourself and seek to know yourself, because worse than the lie someone else tells about you is you believe it's true. So, in fact, we cannot control the other's comment, the other's judgment, but we can filter which one we care about.

About Toxic Behaviors and Why You Should Walk Away

Today is the day for you to cut relationships that hurt you, today is the day to look in the mirror and have the courage to see reality as it is. Today is the day to get rid of the shackles that hold you to your past or toxic people. Know that poison only kills if you swallow it, put it aside, in the same rotten bottle as always, and it can't do you any harm. And even if it is not possible to stay away from contact, at least avoid drinking this evil that can so harm your life. Sometimes the coward is not the one who runs away, but the one who is even aware of the imminent defeat, because in these cases staying will only bring you death and withdrawing can be a great strategy to win the next battle, think about it.

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