About love

“Love can be on your side”, says the Jota Quest song. And this is the purest truth. We often look for “the” person who understands us, who likes the same things, who is special and… friend. In this way, many people begin to confuse feelings. The need to have someone means that a close person, who knows us with all our weaknesses, can be our soul mate. Yes, this often turns out to be true. You may realize that the interest in being close to your friend is greater than simply company. You can start to see her with a greater purpose. And, more than that, the friendship is so intense that you are already accomplices. However, other times friendship can be confused with love due to lack or any other symptom.

So, before you declare to her or just enjoy a moment at a party, think about the points below and see if it's worth taking the risk of losing the friendship:

Try to see if what you feel is reciprocated by your friend. Through some signs, we are able to see if a person shows interest in us. Some signs that can give you information about his feelings are: his/her willingness to do programs alone with you; if he/she looks for some excuse to be able to touch you; if he jokes about a future together, like “if you don't get married by 30, I'll marry you”. There are other signs, for example, that can send the wrong message, such as if he is jealous of you at a club. This could simply mean that he/she doesn't know how to share attention; if he starts sharing details of his/her relationships with other people, he/she may not mind you knowing about his/her life because he/she sees you as a person of the same sex.

See if you're not allowing a lack to make you see a colorful friendship where it doesn't exist. This happens a lot when the person has been without a date for a long time, drinks too much caipirinha and feels lonely. This situation turns a friend's chat into a date and you end up killing each other's need. In this case, be careful, because after a kiss or something else, your friendship has a great chance of never being the same again. In addition, one of the two sides may like the idea and think it is reciprocated, when in fact it was just a friend's joke. Don't let that happen if you like your friend or if you know he likes you but doesn't reciprocate. The chance of being injured is huge.

Don't think that friendship is a facilitator for your declaration. When you don't know a girl, you don't open your heart quickly, right? So don't do the same thing with your friend. Take it easy. Spend more time together and test your behavior with comments such as “I love spending time with you”. If both are interested, don't go to the pot too thirsty. Take the opportunity to enjoy every moment as a true achievement. Don't skip steps just because you're friends.

About love
Anna Shvets / Pexels

If the factors that make you believe in your friend's compatibility and love are based on her/his behavior towards you, beware. Most people act very differently if they are friends or girlfriends. Beliefs, comments, habits, insecurity, everything changes when she (and) is no longer advising you, but being her (your) partner. Also, you've heard a lot about their relationships, but don't think that everything you've done with others will do with you. Don't create false expectations.

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Another point of attention is to analyze the status of the friend you are feeling attracted to. If it's your coworker, your boss, a friend's ex, your friend's brother... Sometimes what matters is the forbidden status involving the situation and not an honest feeling. You can lose your friendship, burn the film at work and end up alone. So weigh your feelings a lot before declaring yourself.

Analyzing these points, we hope you are ready to be sure of your feeling. Dating a friend can be amazing, but if it's not done with attention and respect, you can be without your friend and boyfriend.

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