about giving and receiving

Sometimes the universe around us seems to act according to unknown laws that don't seem to make sense. They don't really need to make sense, but knowing some of these laws can help us live as naturally as we know that we need to breathe to survive or that we can't stay immersed in water because we're short of air.

Many religions, self-help books, philosophers, scientists and spiritualists try to explain how the universe works so that we can follow something like an instruction manual for life. Many of these rules and laws that they talk about contradict each other, but there is one that is in many cultures and thoughts of different times and seems to really work for everyone: the law of give and take.

What would that law be?

It works more or less like the law of cause and effect. For every effect there was a cause for it, right? If you see the water of a lake moving, it is because some fish under it must be moving. A cause for an effect. Giving and receiving works in a similar way.

This does not mean, for example, that if you donate a hundred reais to charity someone will show up and give you a hundred reais in return. This is a very gross simplification of the Indian concept of Karma. It's something more subtle and not so easy to correlate, but you feel the effects. For example: you donate the hundred reais to charity today, and after a while a friend of yours shows up offering you a ride on a day when your car is broken down. The two things have nothing to do with each other, but one could have been triggered by an energetic movement that you started from the other.

about giving and receivingSo I advise you to donate, but not necessarily money. The important thing is to generate value for people's lives in some way. Whether with a donation, with a ride, with advice, with a hug, with a teaching or anything else that helps or improves the lives of others. The universe always seeks an energetic balance and that means it will respond to your attitudes by sending you help through people and situations. So that you, being a giver, receive all the energy you are giving back.

And to receive that energy, be open. Accept the help of others and agree to do different things. Accept unusual invitations, discover new things through the suggestions of others. Give and you will receive, but always be open to it. The universe thanks you.

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