about choices

    This is the first text I write as a columnist for Eu Sem Fronteiras and precisely because of that I decided to talk about choices.

    Have you ever wondered why you made such and such choices? What made them decide for one thing and give up on another?

    I believe that most of the time we do this with autopilot on, without paying much attention, after all, there are thousands of choices to be made during our lives.

    about choices

    The point is that also in this automatism, we tend to complain, victimize ourselves, blame the other and/or life for all the disenchantments, disagreements and miseries in which we find ourselves. But if we notice even a moment, if we silence this ready-made speech, we will discover that it was precisely our choices that led us to the point where we are. In other words, we are authors!

    We write every line of our story, we are responsible and it's not God's fault, the ex-boyfriend, or the neighbor who keeps watering his grass much greener than ours. We are driven by conscious, unconscious motives and, yes, the unconscious play tricks on us! They put us in traps, repetitions that it takes us years and years to realize, and the worst thing is that when we do, we continue without changing the pattern.

    This text is an invitation to dialogue, to (re)think about anything and everything. A call for new choices!

    The other day I came across this site and thought “wow, it would be nice to share thoughts, exchange ideas about what is happening in the world and in my life”. I thought and got it! I chose to follow in the comfort of not being questioned by what I think, not taking the risk of deconstructing truths – my truths.

    Until, on another day, when accessing Eu Sem Fronteiras again, I came across a mixture of disquiet and identification.

    Identification because I feel like this, without borders, curious about life, to know other people, places, music, experiences…

    Disquiet because even though this is all I wrote in the line above, there was a resistance in exposing myself, in knowing and knowing in some way people who would read me. In exchanging ideas and (re)thinking patterns. So, at this moment I chose the path of restlessness and here I am inviting you who are reading this text – be restless, bet on your choices even if in the future you may realize that they were not the best. But DON'T blame anyone for them. Take a risk and take the risk. Discover and allow yourself to be the author of your life.

    And of course, share what you think of the text, come back often, because I'll be here waiting for provocations and conversations.

    See you soon! Gratitude!

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