A testimony of individual healing

    Beloved! Everything that we have described here in the texts over these 10 years aims to inform and clarify issues that still find resistance in human minds, since they are faced with limiting beliefs.

    In the Third Dimension, a characteristic of limited consciousness is precisely to forget past lives. If it were not so, nothing would justify a soul incarnating on this Planet of Atonements and Proofs, where learning actually takes place in the experience and experiences in duality, that is, in polarities.

    Only now, as the end of this long learning cycle approaches, human consciousness begins to expand and, little by little, we are getting to know a little of our soul history. When Kardec codified Spiritism, he brought a little Light to the darkness that enveloped each incarnate soul, showing that, in fact, we are an immortal soul, and what dies is always only the physical body.

    Christ Jesus himself said in his time: “The end of a time will come, and a new earth will arise. The meek and pure in heart will inherit this New Earth.” He also said: "Before the end of time, the COMFORTER will come". The comforter is in fact Spiritism, as it consoles us by showing us that life continues beyond the grave.

    This continued life is divided into soul existences in physical bodies. Today we already have information from the Angelic Helpers that attest to this. On average, each human being currently incarnated has between 600 and 1.100 incarnations here on Earth alone.

    The soul stops reincarnating here when it reaches the level of consciousness that allows it to be in a higher Dimensional frequency. This gives you the right to ascend. And now, with Earth's Transition to a World of Regeneration, there is also the opportunity for a large portion of souls to make their ascension.

    During the Planetary Transition, favorable energetic conditions activate the expansion of consciousness. This allows us to understand the information that comes in, in order to educate ourselves for what is happening and what is to come. But it does not happen equally for everyone, as there are different degrees of consciousness.

    Currently it is already possible to see the large number of people whose consciousness has expanded greatly, and this process only tends to grow. There are a great number of those who understand the process of continued life and who know that we are a soul and not just a physical body. They understand that we've had many lives here before, even if in other bodies.

    A testimony of individual healing
    FelizMitterMeier/ Pixabay / Canva

    Today I will tell my story. Maybe it will serve for some of you to get some clarification or some guidance in the present and future days. Remembering that 20 years ago, I was still skeptical and not interested in these subjects that I always bring here over the last few years.

    Let's go to my personal healing testimony, which was authorized by my Spiritual Team, so that I could report publicly to you who accompany me here. I hope this brings you at least a little breath and confidence in what is to come.

    I was born in this current existence in 1953. Grandson of an Italian immigrant, resident in the Serra GaĂşcha, son of small farmers, large family and with few conditions for living in a mountainous place, without any technology that was not exclusively manual work. Isolated from everything else, conditions were very limited.

    Among the sons, I was the oldest. Even before going to school, at age 8, I remember that working in the fields was daily, as it was also the only way of survival for the large family. So our father gave goals, which, if they were met, we would have Sunday off. Obviously, with enough effort, the goal was always achieved. And so, on Sundays, the boys could gather in the small community to play football.

    But there was a problem: INVARIABLY, EVERY SUNDAY, I WOULD BE AFFECTED BY AN UNBEATABLE HEADACHE, which prevented me from enjoying the day off. This continued until I reached the age of 23, when I got married. So the headaches no longer only happened on Sundays, but also on certain days of the week.

    And it got worse and worse, until, around my 35s-40s, they were almost daily. The only relief I could find was at work, because working relieved the suffering a little. There was nothing to make this pain go away. There was also nothing to show in the medical examinations. It really felt supernatural.

    Because of the severe pain, I could not have a social life. So I dedicated myself to work seven days a week, reaching the peak of going 21 years without taking a vacation or missing work a day. It was the solace he needed and it relieved.

    This remained unexplained until a few years ago. In 2008, at age 55, I made a radical change in my life. I've written here before about the death and rebirth we can go through even without changing bodies. That's what happened to me 14 years ago.

    Immersed in the current mission assumed in 2008, I began to understand life as one, even divided into hundreds and even thousands of existences. Soul reincarnations made me understand the Laws of Cause and Effect. And so, in 2016, I received the first Spiritual information about my headaches.

    It was a Sunday (as I said, every Sunday I had the so-called pains) and suddenly, as usual, the migraine came. It was so strong that I had to lie down. And I also blacked out, as they say. I don't know how long I stayed like that, not remembering anything, but it was a few hours. When I came back from the blackout, I was no longer in pain, but a few words were hammering in my mind: “Ashtar Sheran” (Ashtar Command).

    I had never seen such words. She couldn't imagine what they meant. But a few days later, I got a message from a person who was also a therapist and he told me he had a message from Ashtar Sheran that he needed to get through to me. Anyway, I won't go into the procedure so I don't go too far. In short, I learned about my connection with the Pleiadians and the Ashtar Command.

    A testimony of individual healing
    Iryna Nazarova / Getty Images / Canva

    I was also told that 2.700 years ago, I attended the School of Knowledge of Master Confucius, Master Lanto and Master Kutumi. I prepared myself at that time in order to be incarnated now for the mission of enlightenment, in this moment of completion of the Planetary Transition. And today I know that Master Lanto is one of the Mentors of my current Team.

    I was also told that, in some incarnation, after going through learning at the School of Knowledge, I needed to exercise such knowledge and let myself be carried away by ego and vanity, using such knowledge for my own benefit. This caused pain and suffering for many people, so the rescue chosen for this current incarnation was in the form of severe headaches that have accompanied me since childhood.

    The recommendation was to work on forgiveness, as many souls were still suffering and wanting revenge. A long work was started there. The pains subsided but did not stop.

    A few years passed. In 2018, I asked my Spiritual Team why. The answer took a few months, but it came. I was told in these exact words: “You are a healer. Help people by instructing them. But how could you do better without going through your own self-healing experiences? That's an opportunity you have. Enjoy and heal yourself.”

    So it was really an opportunity to learn how to relieve pain whenever a crisis arose. Relieve through techniques, not medication, because that was learning. And so I discovered breathing techniques, meditation, relaxation, understanding beyond forgiveness and also through herbal teas that were always intuited according to the moment.

    As usual, the pains ceased with the practices, but eventually they returned. Even with fewer and fewer crises, they constantly returned. And I needed to find out what was still missing. I worked a lot on the healing of ancestry too. But he still had to face the pain at least once a week.

    In the second half of 2021, I wrote here a text regarding symptoms and techniques to alleviate its effects. I don't remember the date, but it was towards the end of the year. There I already mentioned the med beds. I have described that they are available on the Ships around the Earth and that you can ask for them before going to sleep, so that they can be taken during your sleep and subject you to the necessary healings. And many do have the merit and are cured. Even if not everyone can do it yet, we know that everything is a matter of frequency. When such a frequency is reached, healing is certain.

    In that text, I did not mention my experience, because the time was not yet. In fact, I needed to be sure that such information was correct. And today I was allowed to report here to all of you. In this way, I hope that at least some of you can also benefit from this self-healing technique more. Remembering that all self-healing is right when it reaches the necessary frequency.

    It was the month of October 2021. I was here doing my day-to-day job of reading and responding to the hundreds of daily messages I receive, then suddenly I get a bad headache, an old acquaintance. I stopped everything because there was no more conditions to do anything. I started meditating and asked my Spiritual Team what it still wanted to teach me.

    Unlike previous times, the response this day was immediate. I was told, “You know what med beds are. You know how they work. He's written about it and told his readers that they can go to them in their sleep in order to get the cures. But why need to go during sleep? Why don't you go there now, consciously? You can do it. Do it."

    A testimony of individual healing
    Jeffkwon / Getty Images / Canva

    That's exactly what I did. I entered into meditation and uttered the following words: “I am Vital Frosi. In the name of my soul; in the name of my Higher Self; in the name of the Source and in the name of all Beings of Light, I ask permission from the Pleiadian Medical Team in order to be received on the Healing Ship and be submitted to the healing of this headache. I ask you to authorize me to be submitted to the med bed”.

    Consciously, I moved in thought to a Ship and entered it. I went to a compartment where there was a med bed. It actually looks like a tomography device found in hospitals on Earth. I entered it and saw it close. As the material is transparent, I could observe 6 Pleiadians around her, 3 on each side, operating the healing machine. I felt the machine working. It did an incredible sweep of all my bodies, including the non-physical ones.

    A few minutes passed, I think less than 5. I left it and returned the same way I went there: in thought. I took a deep breath and returned to normal consciousness. And an amazing thing had happened. THE HEADACHE HAD PASSED LIKE MAGIC. That was proof that the technique works. I was really delighted.

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    But I needed the certainty of healing. It took trust and patience. It was necessary to wait, because before it also passed, but later it returned. And the days went by. Today it's been 5 months without the headache. And now I've been allowed to write about it too. Remembering that I chose a Pleiadian ship, but there are also Arcturian Healing teams. They also operate with med beds.

    The information given to us is that med beds will soon be available here for everyone, in all cities, and enough to avoid having to wait in line. However, it is not yet time, since the big pharmacies dominate the laboratories and the pharmaceutical industry. Everything will change in due course. Hopefully very soon. But while they can't come to you, you can go to them. Whether sleeping or awake. And this is possible because I have proved it to myself. Try you too. If you don't get it the first time, keep going! When it reaches the required frequency, healing is certain.

    I waited over 60 years to get the result. Unfortunately I see people giving up in a few days or a few months.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!

    Hugs of Light!

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