a new heart

I was always someone who was interested in spirituality, but it took me a long time to find a path that would satisfy my questions and that made sense to me.

I am Christian and passionate about Yoga… But there is a lot of prejudice coming from both sides. This is very annoying to manage.

Since I resolved this within myself and accepted my Truth, things have changed a lot, a lot. And today I believe it was because, simply, I accepted the Holy Spirit that already dwelt in me, but was asleep.

I understood that His manifestation in my life depends on my choices and how I behave.

a new heart

This understanding and self-knowledge of my character defects and my emotional limitations, which I acquired through the practice of Yoga, made me transform myself internally.

The consequence was a life of blessings!

It doesn't matter whether you agree with me or the God I serve. Try to experience yourself, to allow yourself to feel. silence. Understand its mechanisms. And transform your behavior! Choose your friends, your words and actions.

Be a divine person, which in fact you already are!

God's promise is fulfilled here!

Life is today. The kingdom of God can be your natural and constant state, just believe and remain aware and connected with its essence.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will take your heart of stone from you, and in return I will give you a heart of flesh.”

Ezequiel 36: 26

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