A Little About Love

The Spiritual Benefactor Lรกzaro defines love as a feeling reached by the human being through the human evolutionary trajectory.

In its beginning, he says, instinct appears, in a second stage, intimate sensations appear and, finally, feeling, having this, as the most delicate point, love.

The interesting thing is that the Benefactor says that the condition for the feeling to be sublime in love is the presence of instruction and intimate purification.

Let's analyze the Benefactor's proposal.

We all still carry the load of instincts, with a greater or lesser degree of influence on our behaviors. And it's easy to see that we'll never lose it, because it's result of lived experience and, therefore, even stored in our ancestral memory.

Intimate sensations would be the result of objective and subjective perceptions experienced in everyday life.

The point where we enter the subjectivity it is lost in the night of time, somewhere in the Upper Paleolithic, a period that ended approximately forty thousand years ago.

Before that, we were guided only by instinct, experiencing the resulting sensations brought about by experience.

Anyway, analyzing the time elapsed in the evolutionary process, the time of subjectivity is very short compared to the existence of instinct.

In this way, although with good clarification and already with a good subjective experience, we are still not able to understand well the difference in sensation that both states provide.

We still confuse feelings of satiety, whether hunger, thirst or sexual practice, with subjective well-being, as well as the feeling of having material things, or having achieved them, with the feeling of love.

We love what we don't have and that's why we want it. But once the desire is sated, that love almost always disappears. We also love what we have, confusing love with possession, since, to achieve it, it took effort, or what is called luck, therefore, personal, which results in selfishness in not wanting to share, whether objects, positions or people.

A Little About Love

Love goes beyond that.

Love is an inner Sun that condenses and gathers in its ardent focus all human aspirations and revelations, says the aforementioned Benefactor, making it clear that love, coming from within, illuminates our interior, eliminating โ€œshadowsโ€ created by us.us, towards the outside, illuminating your own path and that of others.

In this way, love is giving and not receiving, which is what we most desire. And everything that escapes from this is the result of the primacy of our feelings, therefore, tending to selfishness, because we want it for ourselves.

Love was well interpreted by the great Paul of Tarsus, the Apostle of the Gentiles, as recorded in chapter thirteen of his first letter to the Corinthians, saying, among other things, that love tolerates everything, believes everything, hopes everything, supports everything, because, being a feeling, it has gradations and its development becomes a constant process of giving oneself for the benefit of others, starting with those who live with us.

The interpretation of Paul of Tarsus comes from the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, model and maximum example of love and who established for us to love others as we would like to be loved. And from his proposal it turns out that love feeds back and, for that very reason, it strengthens and develops from constant exercise, inducing us to love more and with more intensity.

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