A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives – Introduction + Chapter 1

    The idea to write this book came from the mosaic of impressions I was putting together based on my relational successes and failures, as well as what I managed to understand in the dynamics of relationships of the many people I met and, in particular, those with whom I was able to exchange amazement, perplexity, scares and learning about Life and its infinite reasons for harmony to be the most intense energy between people.

    The One Hundred Ways to Make a Difference were written down without any scientific criteria and without the use of statistical research: as I noticed them, I wrote them down in a notebook that always accompanies me. Ready. That simple. Certainly many ways were left out, I know that and I assume that I have not yet matured to the point of seeing more than the ones I listed, but I am happy, very happy indeed, to be sure that I tried to produce something good, nothing exceptional, but the enough to justify considering it.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives – Introduction + Chapter 1

    In each way of being the difference in the lives of people that I incorporated into the book, I tried to add an account of an experience about it, mine or someone I knew, and I appealed to some stories invented on the spot, when the memory insisted on not provide me with an experience lived by me or my close ones. I tried to temper the ways of being the difference with good humor, when there was the necessary emotion and/or when it was demanded, to be a little more didactic in an attempt to show that the registered differences are really the differences that can open people's hearts to us. welcome and care for them lovingly. And that's all we need in this so-called "modern" world, in which we seek to replace eye-to-eye with fingers on the keyboard, emotions for just funny graphics, those emoticons, in which "eta" is the comfortable substitute for , suspicious, uncomfortable “I love you” responses to emails (when they are read…).

    The book has been ready since the end of 2016, waiting to be published, it was not because of the pindaíba in which publishers are in this country of many scares. So, behold, I met EU WITHOUT BORDERS and its kind editorial team, I was invited to share CEM MANEIRAS with readers, which will be published two ways a week.

    I know that half a dozen ways to be different in people's lives would make a good broth, but why not add 94 more ways, if the intention is to remember every day that each of us can repackage every day, several times , the colors, sounds and flavors of existence, taking care of each other with the same delicacy with which the two birds take care of themselves on the branch of the plum tree at this very moment in front of me?

    Chapter 1- DON'T CENSOUT!

    Truth! Nothing is more devastating for people (for the scribe, for you who read these lines, for all the people your eyes can reach at this moment…), than hearing censures, especially when they are not asked for or when you are in the middle of a conversation. whirlwind of confused feelings, poorly digested and unfinished guilt and the feeling of loneliness, when everyone seems to be against it and wearing the robes of judges without a face but with a scythe!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives – Introduction + Chapter 1

    A friend revealed to me that the feeling he had when he came across a censure was that all that was missing was the stones in people's hands and a corner where he would be the target of the stones, each of the individuals making an effort to give more strength to the act. to throw them.

    Be an effective difference in people's lives, taking care not to censor, trying to understand and help change the situation that motivates the censorship impulse or, as a last resort, to be silent and leave the person with his/her effort to overcome the difficult moment. , which dispenses with the addition of weight and acidity…

    A little story to help you understand the principle of NO CENSORSHIP: 

    As a boy, that silent employee in the corner of the room, in the third basement of the administration building of a gray factory, heard the most cutting censures when he expressed his feelings regarding the fear of living and facing the ghosts of life. He grew up being told that he was to blame for the wrong things he did – and there weren't a few! – in all contexts of existence. Many years after being a boy, when he no longer had any importance in anyone's life, he discovered that he could see and hear poorly, dysfunctions that glasses and hearing aids would solve, but it was too late: his tiny world was composed only of the two places where no one censored him: in the dark corner where his storeroom's table of useless materials was and in his room, in a roomed house in the old center of the city, in which he shared space with many books, a TV and a stereo and at sometimes he even talked to the cockroaches he used to kill with his slippers.

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