A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 94


    Everything passes, nothing is permanent. Even if it's not anyone's intention, it may be that you have to leave people's lives, temporarily or permanently, it doesn't matter, but the exit door of people's lives is always open.

    As usual, nothing can be predicted; at most, what is achieved is the description of hypotheses and prays bravely so that some come true and others do not. And a lot happens without any warning signs: I even suspect that there are half a dozen perverse little devils whose main fun is to destabilize people's lives, creating problems for them and more problems, all converging on emotional losses.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 94

    If you walk out of people's lives through the front door, evidently leaving it open for a possible return may have practiced the art of slipping through relationships smoothly, even if they show chapters of disagreements, emotional scrapes and sharp conflicts. . Did the friendship end, did what was “love forever” fade, did the commercial society “of nail and flesh” become an ingrown nail for both parties? So, what a pity, but the time has come to leave… and let it be through the front door! And how is this feat accomplished? In addition to not setting things on fire for each other and avoiding the angry insults that so numb minds when normality is broken, “walking out the front door” can be a grandiose gesture, through which people heal each other's wounds, they pass an imaginary balm on the pain and leave for life, each one in their own trajectory, through the doors that open to everything, even so that they never close again.

    A stranger, a captain of the Fire Department of the Military Police of São Paulo, told me during a flight from España-São Paulo a very curious passage in his life, exactly at the end of a relationship for two with a lieutenant of the Corporation. Unofficially married, they lived a love affair until the breakup, whose motivator he didn't tell me, and I took care to keep a low profile and didn't ask. He was very emotional when he said that he asked for her consent and made a kind of makeover in the apartment they lived in, leaving it exactly as she liked it, before starting to socialize.

    Everything was ok and he told her that he would leave her life, but he would leave her “zeradinha” to start another relationship, but that he asked her to keep with great affection an arrangement he made with a plant called “jiboia”, with leaves wide, glossy green, very pretty. He also said (and I imagine the scene…) that “… if we go back, I want to start over on the first day taking care of the little plant myself!” I couldn't resist, already with the aircraft taxiing in Congonhas, and I asked what I had to ask, and he smiled, opened a photo on his cell phone with a pregnant girl, a police officer's cap on her head with her hair tied back, with the smile that only pregnant women are able to pull it out of the sky and put it in their mouth… holding a glass vase with a plant called a boa constrictor inside it…

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