A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 82


    Unpleasant but mandatory, and I explain what it is. It is not about swallowing the repulsive batrachian, but the art of swallowing “figured frogs”, of accepting the almost unacceptable. This art must be cultivated in such a way as to make at least acceptable coexistence with the diversity of tastes, customs, attitudes, behaviors and quirks of the people we hold dear.

    Every now and then we feel as if we are about to act like crazed ogres and shower justified people with waves of adjectives not always welcome in the anterooms of holy places! It is not uncommon, unfortunately, for situations where we are forced to slam on the emotional brakes and leave unanswered the negative charge that the interlocutor throws at us, intentionally or not. It is also not uncommon for these situations to be excellent opportunities for learning and emotional maturation, as well as excellent opportunities to make a big difference in people's lives.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 82

    Do not feel diminished by having to "swallow the frog", instead of saying many and great to the person who has provoked certain primitive instincts, over which we must keep strict vigilance and a thousand irons. By not reacting, you, in addition to avoiding the installation and spread of warmongering, will be creating two enormous perspectives of being the difference: first for yourself and, simultaneously, for the other person. You will make a difference for you, proving that you are master of emotions and over them, making the rule of intelligence and the superior spirit, which is absolutely fantastic. The second difference will be experienced by other people, who will learn from you how everyone should be treated and understand how much you respect and value them, protecting them against themselves and their verbal abuse.

    I learned a trick and developed it over the years dealing with people, due to my specialization in teaching of different types and levels. Dealing with people, especially grouped in classrooms, which are very favorable scenarios for relational pranks, is a constant proof of our ability to pretend we didn't see it, to swallow hard and, along with this swallowing, to let down a whole frog, of the tei-tei cururu type, which inhabit dark waters and places full of reasons to run away from them.

    When a student once told me that “I would even be a good teacher, if it weren't for the unbearable Carioca accent”, I had the great chance to test, to the extreme limits, my ability to “swallow frogs”. It was difficult, but I exercised my trick of exorcising banalities at high speed, which consisted of five stages: the first, that of self-control, the second, the exercise of “it's not me”, the third, that of thinking that the aggressor he has more reasons than me to be taken in by an imaginary collector of genetic errors, the fourth, to feel pity for the aggressor and the fifth and last, to find very funny what he said and did. It works (and how it works)!

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