A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 75


Closing a door means, in this book and I believe in the current voice, the imperative of creating alternatives to facilitate the passages that we all have through the lives of the people with whom we relate, more or less intensely, it doesn't matter. That said, it is always very sensible to avoid certain radicalisms, even if, in principle, one has reasons to support them. These radicalisms are characterized in the attitudes that are provoked by the emotional temperature of disagreements, confrontations and situations that cause friction of the most varied tones.

It is possible (and tasty!) to make a difference in people's lives through the so-called closed door/open window. Relationships are not always as sweet as slivers of honey, sometimes leading to very intense fights, at the end of which some doors end up closing in the intimate space in which people transit and allow us to transit. And with closed doors, there is no emotional transit, which deepens the pain and prevents the wounds from healing… when they do not contribute to making them more open and intense. In view of this, people governed by superior feelings and engaged in the art of cultivating relationships in land and construction processes, the so-called open window is necessary, a space smaller than the door itself, but which will serve as a kind of reentry or new look. to be explored and discovered.

A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 75

Try to make this difference in people's lives, facilitating the reconstruction of relationships, when confrontation and the wrinkles resulting from it are absolutely inevitable. Leave a few windows open as an alternative to closed doors, because through these little windows the normalization of relationships can begin, either by an apology, or by admitting a better value to the other's opinion, as well as any other dialogue measures. and conciliation of opposing positions.

A couple of friends from years ago, back in the days, had a very peculiar way of resolving the clashes and frictions that were frequent in marital life, because both were people with a “short temper” and were very proud of this trait of conduct. After the artillery salvos in which the arguments spread, at least one of them found a way to get around the situation with actions such as, for example, leaving a note hidden in a piece of clothing that was known to be used without delay. , in which there was a kind of armistice, in a sentence like "I still think you're wrong but I'll pretend it's not me and because of the cold I feel at night, without you to warm me, I'll accept what you want." you said! But don't get mad again, because the cold can pass, and then the heat comes and I'd prefer you away from the bed at that time!" They said the trick worked most of the time, and I had no reason to doubt that!

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