A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 49


    Let's go: list ten good reasons to support the thesis that it's not appropriate to say "I love you" outside of Valentine's Day, for example! Is ten reasons a lot? So at least three are accepted! Much yet? So, let it be ONE! Half reason perhaps? Aside from the joke, here's a provocative question whose answer requires an ability to find reasons where they don't exist, in the same proportion that you look for eggs in eggs!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 49
    The routine that people allow to occupy their lives is like a greasy, suffocating fog that blurs everything, erasing colors, inhibiting aromas and leaving nothing in its place but more fog. And people lose their taste for originality and no longer walk the magical trails of small surprises and curves that bring more mysteries and reasons to widen their eyes with so much joy.

     Fight the routine in relationships and its suffocating weight, trying to mark your presence in an unexpected way and be creative in this fascinating process in which the people around you will come to feel special and happy for the unusual of your attitudes! And then everything goes: little gift, music on the phone, flower on the coffee table, letter stuck to the fridge, declarations of love hidden inside pockets and suitcase, very unseemly proposals, those of torrid love (scratching tiles...), little note in the cockpit of the car , phone call at dawn, flower on the table and messages from those specialized companies, messages on social networks, by carrier pigeon, drum, smoke signal

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 49
    Little story of the Man Who Surprised. Once upon a time in a kingdom that was neither near nor far, there was a king who did not reign, whose daughter was beautiful as a snowflake sprinkled with rainbow dust (if you don't know, run to the end of one of them and there right under the pot of gold, there's rainbow dust!). The king did not reign because he did nothing in life but sigh and wait for the return of the goddess who had visited him one night, with whom he had begotten the beautiful princess. The king was delighted and the beautiful and poor princess was condemned to bachelorhood, because her father only looked at the clouds and paid no attention to her.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 49

    Then the Man Who Surprised appeared and immediately spoke: “Noble king! If I surprise you about your daughter, will you agree that I take her as a wife?” Looking at the clouds, distracted, he said: "Yes!", the passionate king and the Man Who Surprised, taking the princess by the delicate right hand, hand to hold while waiting for sleep to arrive in order to dream protected and said: " Behold, noble king, that the goddess with whom you begot your beautiful daughter, was so enchanted by the beauty that she left in her and that your love improved, that she chose to stay in her, to love her and be close to you, grateful to have her. la fertilized with matter that not even the goddesses have, when it comes to breathing life into yet another human body! Your queen has never abandoned you and only waited for you to be ready to recognize her in their daughter and hand her over to a man capable of surpassing all others and loving her with fervor, which, by the way, is me!”

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