A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 31


    Oh, it's boring to hear unnecessary guesses on what we want to do, especially when they are unsolicited! It is an unspeakable intrusion into our lives and that even motivates some emotional fervors that good manners demand to keep under control! In some cases, dear reader, there could be a law allowing the “guess worker” to lose his voice for a few days, as a penalty!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 31

    The fact is that you shouldn't make guesses like the usual ones: about the bride's dress, how children are raised, what to do in the house renovation, about the make and model of the car you've been dreaming of for a long time, among endless missed opportunities to remain silent. And there are those who give guesses even in the emotional skirmishes of every day of a healthy and humane marriage, forgetting the wisdom of the old adage: “In a fight between husband and wife, no one gets involved!”

    Make a real difference in people's lives by refraining from any intrusion into their lives, taking care not to say, comment or evaluate anything, if not specifically requested to do so, attentive reader, to avoid saying what you shouldn't, slipping on what you haven't seen and the risk of throwing fuel at the bonfire. An attitude of discretion and respect for people's intimate space will make a huge difference in their lives, and the least you will gain is the certainty that that other saying about animals in the woods is valid: “Peru de Fora doesn't give guesses! ” Remember? So it is…

    The golden rule is: don't guess, and that's it! Keep your opinions to yourself, and if there is an invitation for you to speak up, then you should share your view of the facts, of course with great care!

    Unforgettable the situation I lived as a spectator back there, in the days of my childhood, almost adolescence! Living in a village of houses occupied by Italians and Portuguese, half and half, what I keep from then, in addition to the memory of the Sundays when the deliciously Portuguese fados disputed people's ears with lively tarantellas of visceral Italians, in addition to the aromas that filled the air, coming from Portuguese kitchens and stews and the porpettas of the “oriundi”, what I keep, he said, is the image of a banner that suddenly appeared in front of one of the houses. During the night, an anonymous person posted the banner: “Guesses, gossip, gossip, here, for free!”.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 31

    When the inhabitants of that village woke up, what spread was the clamor of those who were in favor and of those who were opposed to what had been done with the widow owner of the house, a notorious hunchback, who (barely) spoke of everyone and in everyone's lives. got involved! Imagine a mixture of screams and secular curses, coming from across the sea, from Portuguese villages, mixed with curses tempered by the sun and salt of Sicily and the mountains of Calabria! A scene to remember until long after time! I remember and laugh a lot about that fuzuĂŞ, as I do now when I put it in the lines of this text.

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