A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 18


    As much as you question the very popular statement that says “taste is not discussed!”, it is even better not to discuss the other person's taste. If she really enjoys drinking expensive champagne in a disposable glass, one of those used in offices, may this tasting be especially tasty and may she be left alone!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 18

    It doesn't make any sense to want to standardize what is working very well in its plurality; and Nature, which creates nothing without a purpose, would not be so rich in formulating billions of tastes, odors and perceptions of colors and shapes.

    And more: people have the sacred right to make their choices and to free their physical and emotional senses from the rules so to the taste of those who come to this little planet with the firm purpose of graying its beautiful blue and drying the flowers and silencing the birds.: these people cannot stand that other people can find satisfaction and pleasure in what is their own.

    If you don't like it, eat less, now!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 18

    Memories of the period of mandatory military service bring the episode of the transformation of spoiled boys into soldiers ready for the harshest conditions of march, camp and military maneuvers. It was never possible to know which was worse: the dry, red dust of days of intense sun or the viscous mud of endless afternoons of torrential rain. The soldiers complained a lot and cursed the author of the mandatory military service law, while they missed their mother poignantly! To make matters worse, that year, a sergeant with a long service record appeared and was responsible for the troop's "ranch", the kitchen in which bags and more bags mysteriously entered than anyone knew what it would be, and something came out. steaming with the scent of every spice on the planet and being devoured by hundreds of hungry soldiers that seemed centuries old.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 18

    Always in a bad mood, that sergeant, from time to time, wrote down the names and refusals of the soldiers in front of what was served: one did not like onions, another hated garlic, another considered peppers as poisons, and another one rattled when he felt the I like parsley.

    One day, when the troops were returning from another one of those marches through the training camp under the weight of all the equipment's junk, hunger in tragic proportions, some of the soldiers, the most reluctant to dislike this and that, were called to the part and had to devour a huge amount of exactly what they didn't like, while they listened to the sergeant ranting all the adjectives against the incorrectness of choosing this and that to eat, since at the time of hunger even cooked cobblestone without salt was a delicate flavor reserved only to the gods!

    He would say, between one sentence and another of his peroration before the frightened soldiers: “like it or not, you have to like it; and it has nothing to do with thinking that what the other likes I don't like; and we are talking”.

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