A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 17


    My friend Batatinha, whose happy but fragile heart made the inexcusable mischief of taking him from that dimension, always said: “Each one with his own, each and every two in each one's time!” I never quite understood what he meant, since the phrase seemed to me to be one of his immense repertoire of jokes and good-natured “takes”. I understood it a long time later, but at the exact moment when this learning was necessary. And then, I started to complicate my relationships with people less and, finally, free them from my haste and my anxiety.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 17

    Each person should be left at their cruising speed, as each person likes to enjoy the scenery through the windows they choose to open and keep open. Each person has their notion of speed, for some, superior to that of light, contrary to the laws of Physics and, for others, irritating the same laws, such is the lack of speed. And they must be left that way by those who want them well., who loves them in all their infinite forms!

    Examine very carefully the rhythm and speed imprinted in the course of the lives of those closest to you, and you will understand that there is charm and magic in the way in which each one regulates their gearbox and follows the paths and detours of life, as much as the do those that are very different: left alone, all people will be happy!

    Be a huge and sweet difference in the lives of those you consider, especially those with whom you share the table, roof, bed and beans, leaving them in peace.

    A couple of friends had some differences between sheets: one of them, very hurried, looked like a teenager fearing the arrival of his mother before the usual time, when the first incursions into the world of hormonal boiling, and the other slow as the time that passes outside the bathroom door, when he's in an emergency: all he's got is trouble. So they decided to change, following the advice of a therapist, and then it was a horror!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 17

    The slow one couldn't maintain the speed desired by the other and the hasty one burned the brakes long before the first corner! AND from mismatch to mismatch, braking when stepping on the gas, and stomping the gas when downshifting and pulling the handbrake until the laws of inertia gave up, and they went looking for other planets to torment, the thing almost ended up in separation. Until a friend of those who always arrives at the right time, around the time of the 44 minutes of the second half, catches their attention: the best, the most sensible and bathed in the purity and flavors of emotions, sovereignly governing all the laws of the universe, it is each in its own time, seeking another temporal dimension, in which sometimes it is the turn of one, sometimes it is the turn of the other and sometimes it is the turn of both, a matter of time and horseback riding in the folds of created space.

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