9 tips for those in therapy

There are so many problems and headaches of everyday life, so many doubts we have to deal with all the time. Questions and uncertainties are normal and part of being human, even more so within the lifestyle we lead, full of stimuli and external interference that confuse our intellect.

This “torment” is very common and can be manifested in many different ways in each one. Some seek to escape the rush and chaos of big cities because they cannot stand or do not accept to live under pressure, others decide to face it and end up suffering from other ailments, from intense stress to depression and/or other chronic diseases.

Even that individual who decided to renounce the hectic life to move away has his questions and moments of reflection, they can also be guided to moments of sadness and need support. This is all normal, the human body is an organism full of feelings and impressions, because of this, the effect of losses, gains and all the activities they carry out have an influence on their thinking and behavior, after all, we are not merely machines that do tasks. .

We are not alone

Thus, man should always be surrounded by other people, living, interacting and enjoying learning together. This means that we will always need help, it's no use wanting to live alone and thinking we can face everything without fear. The people around us can see problems from another perspective and are then able to help and guide us in a much more intelligent and conscious way than our own minds that are in the midst of turmoil.

In addition, there is an ancient science that studies man, psychoanalysis, which is able to guide the human being according to the understanding of his actions. Psychoanalysis does not want to postulate classifications or even ready-made solutions, on the contrary, it seeks to examine each case in its particularity and use scientific knowledge to indicate the best path to take in the face of doubt or suffering.


Not everyone knows therapy well, some say that it is expensive and unnecessary: ​​“I know how to manage on my own”. There are those who value it and don't know how to live without it. There is still someone who sees it in the mold: a couch, an uncomfortable moment, an unknown person, “blah, blah, blah? I do this with my friends…”, crazy thing…

Even for those people who feel stable and fulfilled in their life and career, the conversation with a psychology professional is always a good explanation of their trajectory and practice of their qualities and defects.

Talking to someone, without knowing that person, induces us to eliminate certain judgments and to clarify points of our life for ourselves even when materialized in words. During a therapy session, the patient stops and thinks about himself, about his own life, and tries to understand it, something that we often don't do in the rush of routine and that is of high value for a fuller and happier life.

To take the initial step and face therapy as a good and beneficial activity for all of us, we list 9 tips from those who already do it and recognize its value:

9 tips for those in therapy

  • Treatment does not mean medicine

There are several cases in which the patient goes to therapy with a question and manages to resolve it and clarify it through conversation. A therapist will try to make the theories about the human mind, in some way, be applied in your daily life in order to improve your discomforts, so he will set up activities for you to put into practice and change your habits, in addition will tell you words and explanations that make you understand how to improve and why.

In some cases chemical remedies may be necessary, depending on the stage, for example, of a case of depression, the professional may deem this major intervention necessary. Understand that he is also a doctor, knows the mechanisms of the body and knows how to help you. On this type of occasion, he will normally indicate a psychiatric aid (this profession has a medical training), the area of ​​psychoanalysis responsible for the management of medicines.

  • It's not crazy, mentally ill

As already mentioned, therapy is not just for the mentally ill. The simplest problems in relationship, family and professional life can be the great burden of your life and a psychologist can help you clarify and alleviate many points through therapy sessions. Accept it as something good to go to and as nothing extraordinary or troublesome.

  • Not everyone will please you

Therapists are also human beings, despite the need for professionalism and a certain distance from the patient, they have their quirks, their way of being, acting and also thinking. It may be that your first visit to the therapist does not please you very much, try again and if this persists, try another professional. Getting along with your therapist is necessary for you to feel comfortable and for the conversation to flow smoothly.

  • safe secrets

The moment of therapy is the best time for you to reveal all your secrets and clear your doubts, or simply let off steam. No need to fear, even your most secret confessions will be safe. That's not just any chat, you're in front of a professional and he has no intention other than to guide you based on his confessions.

  • Each in its square

It's not because your friend went to the psychologist and is still stressed and without improvement or started taking some medication that your case will be the same. Each one has a different lifestyle, a different personality and therefore a different treatment. In addition, the professionals and methods are also diverse.

Do not base your attempt on the experience of others, the conversations you will have with your therapist are something very personal and these circumstances are unique, personified and incomparable.

  • Acceptance

First of all, accept the fact that you are going to therapy. This does not shame anyone. Taking care of yourself is a reason to be proud and if there is someone who can help you fulfill this task, why refuse?

  • No date

It is not possible to predict how long you will need to attend therapy. When dealing with more specific problems, the treatment can be very short with some immediate response and attitude. However, that doesn't mean you need to stop going to therapy. She will always help you with life issues, so there is no set deadline for attending or not. This decision depends a lot on your own feelings, intentions and also the results of that follow-up.

  • conscience alert

We often feel uncomfortable with something in life and we don't really know what. We feel that something is out of place, something needs to change. We are also dissatisfied with issues of our body and mind. These are clear signs that you are lost in yourself and signs that the best option is to go to therapy. Your own body is indicating the need for help, do not deny this request.

  • demystify

Kick start and go to a session, you'll see that therapy isn't necessarily that scene where you're lying on a couch and an old man listens to you. Try a few options and see how you feel better, this is an investment in yourself!

Text written by Julia Zayas from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras

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