9 simple attitudes to become someone generous

9 simple attitudes to become someone generous

How would you define a generous person? Perhaps you would say that you are someone who is dedicated to helping others, who does not demand favors in return for what he does, who has a big heart and smiles. Could these same definitions apply to you?

With everyday worries and tasks, we are not always willing to help others. Sometimes we get so caught up in our realities that we don't even think there are individuals who are living in a different way, who are dealing with other difficulties and who could be helped with simple gestures.

It's hard to admit, but we often overlook generosity. However, it is never too late to recognize this flaw and fix it. Next, learn 9 simple attitudes that characterize a generous person. From there, realize the benefits of these new behaviors in your life and in the lives of those you will help!

9 simple attitudes to become someone generous

1) Pay attention to the needs of others

For generosity to be put into practice, it is important to observe the people who live around you. If they normally have difficulty with some task they do, why not help them on certain occasions?

If you identify that someone is overloaded with tasks, that they are not feeling very well, or that they need some time for themselves, don't hesitate to talk to that person, offering your help.

By doing this, you will ensure that the other person feels loved, welcomed, and understood, increasing their well-being. You can also develop new skills by helping her. With this, you will be expanding your repertoire of knowledge and will still be able to live great stories.

2) Take a stand against injustice

A generous person is not afraid to help others, even when it makes someone uncomfortable. When identifying a case of injustice with another individual, for example, what do you do?

One idea for this type of situation is to talk to those who are being wronged. Understand how this person is feeling and how you can help them feel better. If she wants to, talk to those who practiced the injustice, showing the mistake in this scenario.

In this way, you will contribute to the development of a more just and respectful society, with people willing to dialogue and reflect. By doing this, you will still show that you recognize that everyone can make mistakes, including you, and that it is important to understand situations that cause someone discomfort.

3) Make donations year round

Is there a greater symbol of generosity than making donations? Many people choose a specific date of the year for this, but ideally, the attitude is reproduced throughout the year. And this is easier than you might think!

If you are unable to donate money to an institution, it is possible to donate clothes, books, food and/or toys in good condition. Everything that is accumulating in your house can make someone else happy. In addition, you can exchange some superficial expenses for the purchase of something useful for someone who needs help.

With this gesture, you will feel satisfaction just knowing that you are helping someone else to live better, even if you don't gain anything from it. And the one who receives your attitude will have reason to believe that there are good people in the world, in addition to having some need met.

4) Listen to what others have to say

Generosity is more about the other and less about yourself. That is, you must dedicate yourself to the other person, understand what they need. Therefore, you should listen to what other individuals have to say about how they live, about the problems they face, and about what they need.

In some cases, there is no action a person can take to help someone else. Despite this, she can offer patient and attentive listening, bringing a feeling of welcome. Even if you don't solve the problem, the other person won't feel so alone because they can count on you.

Building a support network will benefit not only other people, but also you. As they will feel heard, they will have more intimacy to deal with different subjects with you, including those that concern you. So if you need to talk to someone, chances are the individuals you've heard from are available.

5) Offer help whenever possible

It's easy to spot a generous person, because they offer help whenever possible. That is, when she sees an old man crossing the street, when someone is carrying a lot of groceries at once, when an individual gets lost on public transport…

Think about all the situations in your everyday life in which you visualized someone who seemed to need support. The next time they happen, take action without fear. Of course, common sense must prevail, so if the person says they don't want your help, respect it.

Maybe you waste some of your time helping others whenever the opportunity arises. However, you will be investing in someone's well-being and your well-being, knowing that you have made someone happy. Maybe you meet interesting people that way, who want to build a relationship after the help?

6) Practice gratitude

One of the opposites of generosity is greed. This feeling manifests itself when we want everything for ourselves, almost as if we don't see everything we already have. Fortunately, it is possible to resolve this by prioritizing gratitude.

A generous person is a person who practices gratitude. She recognizes that what she has is enough to live well and she can free herself from excesses, leading to a better quality of life for other individuals. So, before complaining about what you don't have, give thanks for what you have and donate what you don't need anymore.

Cultivating the feeling of gratitude won't just make you a more generous person. This virtue will help you to see life with more optimism and lightness. At the same time, those around you will feel good about your presence, and may even help you more often, since you see and value what life offers good.

7) Live in a balanced way

When there is an exaggeration of thoughts and desires in a person's mind, he will have a harder time thinking about others. On the other hand, if this individual lives with balance and controls his feelings well, he will want everyone to feel that way too.

So generosity is linked to balance. The better you feel about your ideas, the greater your incentive to bring that well-being to others. So put your sorrows and your joys on a scale, understanding that there is always something good you can do for someone.

As a result of this attitude, you will find that negative thoughts become less intense. By dedicating some time to others and cultivating good feelings with them, you will have the ability to look at the beauty of your days, controlling negativity in a balanced way. Whoever is by your side will even be inspired by you.

8) Treat all people equally

A person cannot be generous only to certain individuals. This is because generosity does not see social class, ethnicity, sexual orientation and any other characteristics. For those who are generous, the only thing that matters is the desire to make someone's life lighter.

This means that if you want to practice generosity, you need to treat all people equally. Pay attention to what everyone says, help without seeing who and don't judge who has less than you. Respect must always prevail, in each of the situations.

Without discriminating against the society around you, you will be part of a mindset transformation. If we are part of a collective, we need to help each other. So your attitudes will transform the environment in which you live, serving as an example for other people, and will bring you a new, kinder look at humanity.

9) Recognize your own privileges

The main path to generosity is the recognition of one's privileges. By doing this, you will understand that there are realities different from yours and that other people face problems that you can't even imagine.

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Although it is not possible to overcome all inequalities in society, you can study what to do to reduce them. This includes attitudes that range from voting for people who care about different social ills to supporting an institution that helps a group in the community in a targeted way.

As a result of your social awareness, you will open yourself to the diversity among people, you will discover new ways of seeing the world and you will have an active participation in the transformation of society. So see what's beyond your life, so that more people benefit from your attitudes.

From the content we have prepared, you already have everything you need to become a more generous person. Once you start practicing attitudes that are good for others and for yourself, you will never be able to stop. So motivate the ones you love to do the same thing by sharing everything you've learned!

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