9 reasons why you value sensitive people

Sensitive people are not highly valued when it comes to reputation. Sensitivity is often thought of as just another word for "dramatic" or "extremely emotional." Some people even believe this reflects weakness, however, sensitivity can be a wonderful trait, and for many reasons. This is a very positive aspect that we should notice and value even more in all our friends and family who have this characteristic.

Here are 9 simple reasons you should value the sensitive people in your life:

1. They are authentic and honest

Sensitive people are super aware when it comes to how others perceive and are affected by their attitudes, so their way comes down to always being in tune with their own convictions. They are better able to be honest and authentic, knowing exactly what to say in those confusing situations where less sensitive people would get stuck.

2. They will always be there for you

Sensitive people are more willing and likely to stand by you when you are slighted or hurt by someone, because they understand how you feel on a very personal level. They suffer more than most and end up sympathizing with you in a very deep way.

3. They have an incredible ability to care

People who have become more sensitive over time are often the most affectionate and kind souls. They remember how they were hurt and rejected in the past and this makes them especially aware of hurting others. They will always try to do everything they can to protect you from all the bad things they've ever felt, it's just their nature.

9 reasons why you value sensitive people

4. They don't let the world turn them into difficult people

Sensitive people are great at realizing the source of their suffering and reacting to it appropriately, that is, even if they are deeply hurt, they will never take it out on you or anyone around them. No matter how difficult things are, they never seem to lose their compassion.

5. They are incredibly empathetic

Many sensitive people are known to be quite empathetic. They can often sense how you are feeling or what you are thinking moments after you enter the same room as them. They are extremely tuned in to the small, almost imperceptible clues that are hidden in their language, movements and behavior, so they can immediately tell if something is wrong.

6. They are very ethical at work

Being sensitive can also mean that you are predisposed to other things, such as being very detail-oriented or organized. This makes the sensitive person a real asset to any job, particularly one that involves cleaning or deep analysis. They are the kind of people who will not rest until the problem has been resolved and everything has been done properly.

7. They will never act without thinking before

Sensitive people have a natural talent for thinking clearly and quickly before acting. They don't take risks or make rash decisions, because they know that every action will have its own consequences that must be considered before making any move.

8. They can be very innovative

It is very common for sensitive people to spend a lot of time with their heads in the clouds. They are great thinkers and avid dreamers. This explains why they are so helpful when they give their unique point of view on difficult issues. They have been developing a fertile imagination, and they will not leave a single stumbling block in their path without finding a solution.

9. You are in good company having them in your life

When you are sensitive, you are often predisposed to be more hurt than others. You come to understand how this issue works, but that also doesn't mean you're going to abuse or create toxic relationships. Sensitive people err on the side of caution and do not hesitate to cut ties with those who are not good to them, or to society in general. If you're lucky enough to be a part of a sensitive person's life, you can be sure they'll see the best in you and want to keep you close.

Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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