9 reasons to be alone

Well, that's for you to decide. But if you want a tip, choose freedom. Loneliness does not deserve to be chosen.

Life is too busy... Work, traffic, studies, family and all the tasks you perform throughout the day are usually surrounded by other people. And then you barely realize that having your own time is extremely important.

Below are nine important reasons why you should have time for yourself:

You read the news, you are constantly online on social networks, you hear problems, you participate in countless situations, in the most different ways, and this flood of news usually doesn't have time to be absorbed. That's why being alone is so important, whether to decipher all this information or to forget about it and relax your mind.

If you are alone and not thinking about anything “concrete”, your mind will be free to travel wherever it wants. If you are in need of creativity, allow yourself to be alone for a while. You will be amazed at your imagination.

Listening to the advice of people close to you and who love you is extremely important and valid, but nothing is as wise as what your mind has to tell you. After all, only you really know what you're going through. Don't be afraid to hear your voice from experience.

Being alone, thinking about life, creating plans and goals can make you realize that, as much as you need other people, it's only up to you to accomplish everything you want.

9 reasons to be alone

Without problems, opinions and people around, you can see some situations more clearly. It becomes easier to make decisions and solve problems by thinking coldly.

Your dis are probably full, so a moment alone will help you put your thoughts in place, as well as replenish your energy.

In order for you to really understand your fears, afflictions, needs and everything that is a priority for you, you need to distance yourself from other people for a certain period.

Think coldly about what your priorities are, organize your goals, put plans into practice and accelerate your production. All this alone is easier to get out of the mind and be executed.

Have you ever heard that only when you love yourself will you be able to love someone else completely?

  • Written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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