9 movies based on Nietzsche's philosophy

    9 movies based on Nietzsche's philosophy

    If we have doubts about understanding the world, it is because it is more complicated than it seems. That's why there are philosophers – to try to find an explanation for the problems of the world and human beings and to give us ideas on how to better live with those difficulties. Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most discussed philosophers who has theories that try to explain some of these issues. So much so that his ideas were used to inspire the plots of several films. See some of them and discover new ways of seeing and questioning the world.

    Devil's Advocate

    A successful lawyer finds himself in the midst of situations where moral and ethical issues are brought into play along with desires and temptations. This film makes references to some conflicts that Nietzsche reflected on, such as the power of willpower.

    Hitler: The Rise of Evil

    The film shows the story of Hitler before he came to power. In some passages we can see references to the philosopher's inquiries about values.

    time spell

    A TV reporter goes to a small town in the United States to cover a “groundhog day” event. He wants to leave the city soon, but every time he wakes up he sees time go back to the day before and everything repeats itself. Nietzsche wrote some thoughts on the question of circularity, the eternal return and the acceptance of the inevitability of fate.



    A woman and her father arrive in a new town and discover that there is still the use of slave labor on plantations. The moral that the film brings is related to Nietzsche's questions about the values ​​of freedom and democracy.

    broken flowers

    A single man discovers he has a child with one of his former lovers. By re-encountering 4 of his old love affairs, he enters into an example of Nietzsche's theory of eternal recurrence. We can also see traces of the nihilistic theory in the main character of the film.

    Source of life

    In three different eras of humanity, three characters seek the tree of life to solve their problems regarding death. This is yet another film that references the ideas of eternal return.

    devilish feast

    Two men commit a murder because they consider themselves intellectually superior to the victim. And it all started with a classroom discussion of Nietzsche's concepts of creating values ​​and going beyond good or evil.

    triumph of will

    A film about the characteristics and symbols used by the Nazi regime. It relates to Nietzsche's concepts of will to power.

    the horse of Turin

    The story of the miserable life of a farmer, his daughter and his horse reflects on the German philosopher's questions about the weight of human existence.

    What's your choice?

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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