9 items for a happy home according to science

Your home should be the place in the world where you feel the happiest. For this, there are some touches you can give to make the environment more pleasant and comfortable. Scientific studies have discovered some factors that can work in different people's homes. Check out:

wall color

According to a study by the University of Vrije, in the Netherlands, painting a house wall green or yellow (regardless of the shade) awakens feelings of well-being and happiness in residents.


In addition to awakening feelings of well-being and happiness, having flower arrangements at home also reduces feelings of depression and even brings back memories of loved ones. This is what was discovered by researchers at Rutgers University in the United States.


Having picture frames with pictures of people we love around the house can totally change your day. According to a study by the University of Portsmouth, England, people who awaken memories by looking at pictures at home have more feelings of comfort, calm and happiness in their lives.

Aromatic candle

For those who like perfumes and essences, lighting a vanilla-scented candle helps to reduce stress in the environment. So says a study published in the journal Chemical Senses, which specializes in chemistry.

Sticky notes

Leave a few notebooks scattered around the house and whenever you have an idea or remember something important, write it down. Research by the Psychological Science Association of the United States has shown that this act of jotting down helps you stay in a good mood during the day.


9 items for a happy home according to science

Anyone who has a pet at home knows how it totally changes our mood. And the American Psychological Association proved it with one of their studies. Having a pet is good for the happiness of its owners.


According to a study by La Salle University, in the United States, flower scents are the ones that bring most happiness to people's homes.

Make the bed

The website Hunch.com did a survey of internet users and found that the majority who declared themselves happy were those who made their bed in the morning. And most of those who didn't tidy said they were unhappy.


A study carried out by the University of California, in the United States, showed that having too many decorative objects increases people's stress level. In other words, the simpler and easier it is to clean and organize your home, the better for your happiness.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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