9 causes of depression

Depression, although often not considered as such, is a disease, and affects thousands of people around the world. The causes of the development of depression are diverse and very dependent on factors that we can't even imagine. They can be associated with climate, environment, company, food and other variables.

Many individuals do not even realize it or admit it, but depression does require attention and treatment, as it can trigger other diseases and/or irreversible conditions, affecting the lives of those who suffer from it and all those around them.

Common causes

9 causes of depression
TORWAI Suebsri / 123RF

In the routine we live in, many factors influence so that discouragement and disappointment are present in our daily lives. If we don't pay attention to developing self-confidence and strengthening our abilities in order to avoid certain situations, we fall into sadness and give up.

Contrary to what is usually imagined, depression does not require major traumas or events to happen. It can develop from small factors and, mainly, from the combination of several of them. It may also be related to genetic factors and failures in brain neurotransmitters, resulting from inflammation in certain regions of the brain.

Learn about some of the factors that can contribute to the evolution of the framework:

1. cigarette

9 causes of depression
Basil MK / Pexels

Despite appearing to provide relaxation, British studies have shown that smoking tends to make smokers more anxious and even lead to depression, due to withdrawal.

2. Compassion in excess

9 causes of depression
Kat Jayne / Pexels

That's right, people who are too worried about others can forget to take care of themselves. In this context, self-confidence and self-knowledge go downhill and the person doesn't want to take care of himself and puts the interest of others always in front of his own. It's important to care about others, but first and foremost, you must be okay with yourself.

3. Other diseases

9 causes of depression
LinkedIn Sales Navigator / Pexels

Other illnesses can be both a cause and a consequence of depression. Individuals who suffer from chronic diseases tend to be depressive due to the difficulty of treatment, low self-esteem and other effects that such diseases can bring to life and routine.

It is common to see cases of depression among individuals with cancer, diabetes and those suffering from chronic pain.

4. Sedentary lifestyle

9 causes of depression
Pixabay / Pexels

In addition to all the ills that a sedentary lifestyle can bring, it can also boost depression. Our body needs movement to function well, to have a good mood and health, both physically and mentally.

The practice of any physical activity that takes you off the couch is already valid, and provides well-being to stay away from discouragement and depression.

5. Food

9 causes of depression
Adrienne / Pexels

Just like physical activity, food influences all the activities of your body, after all, it is our fuel.

A person who eats poorly, goes for very long periods without eating or does not have enough nutrients to supply his body, starts to have physical and mental problems. Mood is altered and disposition is altered, which are characteristics prone to an onset of depression.

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For people who already suffer from depression, the diet is also altered, for one of the two poles: excess or lack of appetite. It is, therefore, important not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of depression.

6. Brain dysfunction

9 causes of depression
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

As already mentioned, depression is a disease that can be caused by some failure in the organization and work of neurotransmitters. This is due to brain inflammation, which can be caused by other types of disease and/or injuries. Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body, as a warning to other problems in the body. Therefore, it is important to take care of the whole body, so that such a response is not triggered.

7. Poorly slept nights

9 causes of depression
cottonbro / Pexels

Unsurprisingly, lack of sleep puts us in a bad mood. For those who go long periods without sleeping even a whole night, bad moods and other consequences, such as body aches, become chronic and are the gateway to depression.

8. Jungle of stones

9 causes of depression
Kaique Rocha / Pexels

Living with the urban environment is capable of making anyone crazy and also depressive! The rush of big cities, in addition to the lack of contact with nature, are factors that contribute to negative symptoms in your mood and behavior.

It is important to have refuges and moments of calm in order to block such interference.

9. Social and digital pressures

9 causes of depression
mikoto.raw / Pexels

Social pressures arising from imposed standards, whether in relation to appearance, way of life, acquisitions or other factors, bring excessive demands and unconscious comparisons. We are never satisfied with ourselves and we are always chasing after some imagined perfection.

In the same way, the internet and the media in general charge us without even realizing it, causing our self-esteem and self-confidence to always decline.

Other triggers

It can occur on several levels, it can go “unacceptable” or it can be intense and explicit. Each one reacts differently to the depressive condition, some have a tendency to surrender, others to resist and this response is also associated with the causes that led the individual to live in such a situation.

The diagnosis of depression is among the highest among several diseases, especially in Spain, in its metropolitan regions.

The consequences of a depressive condition are diverse and can greatly affect the social and professional life of the patient.

A person with depression usually leaves work due to lack of will or even inability to carry out the tasks they are in charge of. In personal life, he also withdraws from the people he used to live with and stops performing simple activities.


Like any other illness, depression needs treatment. Since its causes are multifactorial, its treatment should follow the same line.

Psychiatry professionals claim that care for the cure of a depressive condition must address the most diverse motivating factors of the disease. That is, the more points in the depressive individual's life are treated, the more effective their improvement will be. This refers to the biological scope, with psychiatric treatment and, if necessary, chemical treatment by a neurologist, up to the scope of professional and personal routine. This person should have the support of their friends and family, so that traumas and fears can be eliminated and so that routine activities return to being normal, and not a burden.

Gradually, the combination of these cares will allow the person with depression to have a better perception of things that can do them good, even within their “normal” daily life. In this way, you will build your own motivation to continue and heal. The more inserted into the common routine, without generating problems or reasons for sadness around what was normal before, the better the patient's recovery will be.

It is essential to have self-motivation, as well as external support. Recovery is delicate, however, it develops very well, when sustained and planned.

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