8th to 14th Day – Systemic Family Constellations – Change your life in 21 days

Hello beloved. Today I come to reveal some secrets of this powerful healing method of Family Constellations. The “Koury Method of Constellations” is the result of a lot of work and research for 25 years on systemic relationships. It was also the subject of one of my theses years ago.

But why “Koury Method of Constellations”? Is it different from the constellations of other professionals? Yes it is, and I'll explain why. But, is it better than that of other therapists? Not. There is no better or worse, and constellation facilitators do not always have some therapeutic training. What exists is the improvement of the method and I, in addition to being a sensitive, am a philosopher and parapsychologist, I have been studying for years and years all the theoretical and empirical basis of this method.

So, like many philosophers and doctors in our history, what I did was improve and adapt everything that our teachers left us, from before Jesus, including himself, to the present day.

I've never been a follower of rules or methods that claim to be exclusive, because that doesn't exist! Nobody owns the truth or a method, and the great historians were humble enough to recognize this and encourage the new generations to evolve the techniques that left us, because the world is dynamic, everything is constantly changing and, staying in the “old”, in the past, will not help in the PRESENT.

8th to 14th Day – Systemic Family Constellations – Change your life in 21 days
Lina Trochez / Unsplash

Today we already know that there is no closed science, nothing is concrete. New discoveries emerge every day. Did you know that they didn't always think the world was round? I explain this because I don't like followers of this or that method, including mine. This is nonsense. Nobody owns anything in this world. We, Philosophers, Scientists and Sensitives, capture ideas from those who are gone, in addition to studying and adapting methods and techniques (in this case, therapeutics), according to our own experiences and results achieved.

I confess that a few years ago, I got into a bit of annoyance with the faithful followers of the German Philosopher, Bert Hellinguer. Well, after he adapted the method and expanded it all over the world, the Spanish people, who had a lot of money, because it is very expensive, began to do 1 or 2 seminars with him and called themselves “Consteladores According to the Bert Hellinger Method”, many they were journalists, teachers, people who like the topic. In short, without any therapeutic academic training. They went on to claim that Bert Hellinger is the creator of this method, and that, with this argument, they were the only ones entitled to use it. Nonsense!

Both myself and other philosophers have studied systems approaches for many years, just as philosopher Bert Hellinger studied them. The difference is that the method became known worldwide from Bert Hellinger, who with the internet and technology of today, in addition to having a super talent and sensitivity, released the Family Constellations adapted by him to the world.

I myself have participated in training with him, on one of the times he was in España and I could prove all his talent, feel his sensitivity, moving me several times, but I still had that resistance because everyone said he was the creator of this method. But, it was recently that in one of his trainings he gave the facilitators a good “pull of the ear” (This is the term for someone who “facilitates” constellations, but has no academic training). He even told his “faithful” that it was not God to be “godified” and asked them to stop doing so.

From this day on, Bert Hellinger has also become one of the great teachers of my life and deserves all my respect and admiration.

8th to 14th Day – Systemic Family Constellations – Change your life in 21 days
picjumbo.com / Pexels

I have trained many therapists, psychologists and housewives in the “Koury Method of Constellations”, through semi-presential courses and total distance learning, that is, totally distance learning. If you want to know more about the courses, I can say that in addition to being professional training, they are also information. But, I confess that many housewives entered my intensive course because it is fast and economically viable, only with the intention of knowing the method and helping themselves, helping the family, etc. But, they ended up becoming great students and in the end, they did the activities, which are mandatory for those who want the professional certificate, and today they changed their lives and are great Facilitators in Family Constellations.

The first module of my course is totally theoretical, telling step by step the evolution of this method and the great names that have collaborated throughout history. Including the Philosopher who named the method of Family Constellation, long before Bert Hellinger.

So that in the future I don't have to “pull the ear”, as Bert Hellinguer did with his faithful followers, right at the beginning of my courses I explain all this and leave the following message for my students, future facilitators or constellators: “Take it everything they learned and practice. Based on your own experiences and results achieved, “sieve” everything and put your own marks, that is, what has brought the most relief to your patients, from their experiences, and then, when they are famous, cite who were students of Professor of Philosophy Raquel Koury, using the Koury Method of Constellations, but who currently work with their own methods”.

Evolve freely, as it should be! We don't own anything and the facilitators stay there, “disputing” about which is the best method, so they are contradictory with everything they have learned and letting the EGO dominate. Let's be free and create a better world every day, always evolving and honoring the great names in our history who started and improved the methods for many, many years.

You might also like:

  • A place for the excluded. The physical phenomena that happen after a constellation in the 3rd level of Quantum consciousness.
  • Family Constellation and The 3 Consciousnesses: A New Way of Seeing, Being and Living
  • Quantum Activation to Attract or Make Relationships Happier

As today's text will serve for this entire second week of the cycle, I will try to write less and indicate more links to explanatory texts and videos, which are easier to assimilate.

I call your attention to stay tuned to MY DIARY and the TASKS OF THE WEEK (below), because everything I will post here will be part of a schedule from the 8th to the 14th day. It's not to watch everything at once, okay?

I also warn that at the end of the page, in the “comments” field, you can ask questions that I will answer, as well as I will post a new comment every day of this week (as if it were the diary), agreed?

What is a family constellation?

Watch the videos below to understand:

Attention to Raquel Koury's medical shift and diary at the end of every page of the cycle:

The doctor told you to do this for the rest of your life:

  • A lot of water;
  • Healthy diet;
  • Daily walk;
  • Do not drink alcohol during the cycle and after: “If you drink, do not drive”.
  • Cut down on cigarettes or do better: stop smoking!

My diary:

Hello beloved.

I will miss writing to you every day. You know, writing this DIARY is doing me a lot of good. I don't care if half a dozen will read it or if the portal will have millions of hits. What matters is that writing relieves my soul and, exposing myself and sharing my human side with you, is what brings me closer to divinity. So #ficadica, think about writing a little in a diary or notebook, even if you write every day and then tear the sheets and throw them away. No matter the way! Relieves.

But if you guys feel good about telling the truth on Facebook, don't worry, because I'm going to tell you a little professional secret, okay? It is the people who most post selfies with a beautiful smile or surrounded by “friends” who come to me with depression, professional or personal failure. And couples then? You know those Facebook photos of couples very close, who on Valentine's Day post huge declarations of love? So, almost everyone who does couples therapy with me posts this, do you know why? It's the image they want society to see!

In my case, I always had my life open. Give to whoever hurts! But I confess that it always hurts more in myself. I've been like that since I was little, my mother always confirms it in lectures and workshops (and I don't even pay her for it, lol). This authenticity, truth and otherness has already caused me many problems: in childhood, adolescence and still causes today. And? My life stories help many people. I'm "face to face" in my books and articles while supporting my kids as a writer and therapist instead of posting "happiness" selfies and not having credit in the square, being in a deep depression or being a "forty" who still lives and depends on parents.

Who still doesn't know, I've been a parapsychologist for over 20 years, but I had a real estate company (one of the best in sales) for 15 years of my life. I didn't need to change my profession, however some "black dogs" made me sick, in 2009, and soon after, with the techniques that I'm sharing with you in this cycle, I got the cure!

I will never forget the day that, in the middle of a dinner at home, I was talking about my healing with my children, and they were super interested, when someone interrupted and said: “Raquel, if you think your stories are interesting, spare those who don’t. wants to hear them and write a book.” These words pounded through my mind all night. When I went to sleep I dreamed of a beautiful angel who said to me: “You got the cure, tell people! Write the book”. And it was at dawn that day that I wrote the first 76 pages of my first book: SENSITIVOS (Cultrix, 2009).

Beloved, today I learned of some things that upset me a lot. My human side hates to find out I've been tricked, but even though I'm so sensitive, I also fall into traps! I went out for a walk and when I saw it, an hour had passed and I didn't even feel it, because I was praying. I got home very relieved and started writing in today's journal.

The message here is: Avoid falling into traps, try not to judge, try to be authentic, only telling the truth hurts whoever it hurts, and if you "step on the jackfruit", admit it and that's it! - We're just passing through. Shame for what?

Kisses in the soul, good week to all and CDS (With God Always!)

Raquel Koury

Beloveds, beware. New format for this cycle: from this point on you will have to read every day to watch one video a day, as I will indicate in the tasks below:

Tasks from the 8th to the 14th day of the cycle:

Today, just for Today I promise:

1st STEP

Interaction: Comment at the end of this page, in the “comments” field, what you thought or how you felt after watching the video of the day, according to task 2. Your comment encourages others to comment too and, in this way, we learn from each other the real thing. meaning of the word “share”.

2st STEP

Beta Level Mental Reprogramming: Watch one video a day (videos below) and continue reading Louise Hay's book. If you're done, download other books and articles by the author available on the internet.

3st STEP

Alpha Level Mental Reprogramming: ALTERNATE MEDITATIONS (videos below).


ATTENTION: Few people film and disclose the constellations because it is about the private life of each one. Many had legal problems because of this. However, as I want you to see at least how it was at the beginning of the constellations, today they have changed a lot, I posted 7 constellations below, filmed and publicized by TV Mundo Maior, performed for free by a Spiritist Center so that people would authorize the filming. The constellations have nothing to do with the spiritist doctrine or any other religion. It is about Quantum, but in these videos you will see some spiritual explanations that do not represent what I think, study or my work. They are part of a traditional Bert Hellinger method. They do not correspond to my methodology, but they are similar. I don't work with these movements called “body movements”, I work more with the movements of the spirit and soul. Where silence says almost everything. Without these exhibitions. But to understand it is important to see how it all started, the basic and traditional constellation.

  • Watch on Day 8 – Insecurity
  • Watch on day 9 - Conflict between heirs
  • Watch on the 10th day – Constellations in Justice – Interview with a Judge and Constellator




• 11th Day: Professional Constellation
• 12th Day: Conjugal Constellation
• 13th Day: Privilege between brothers
• 14th Day: Fear of the future


This week we will alternate these two meditations below. Do not abandon Ho'oponopono until the end of the cycle, but enjoy this “virtual constellation”. If you have time, do Ho'oponopono every day and the other meditation at least 3 times a week.

“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. If you are not following, or if you still want to refer someone, start with day “zero” by clicking on the images below!”

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