7 tips to keep the vibes positive

If a person enters a room with dirty shoes, every room he walks through will be filled with dirt. In the opposite situation, a person who is using a pleasant perfume, when walking down a corridor, will carry the fragrance everywhere. These simple comparisons help us understand how vibrations work.

Both positive and negative vibrations are waves of energy that people emanate into the environment and to other individuals. That is, a person is, at all times, emitting positive or negative vibrations, as if he were wearing a pleasant perfume or as if his shoes were dirty.

It is these vibrations that a being emits that define how he will be perceived at work, at home, at school or at a gathering of friends. After all, if the vibrations are negative (the shoes are dirty), he is likely to make a bad impression, while the opposite would happen if this being emanated positive vibes (the pleasant perfume).

Not only do the vibrations we give off make an impression on us, they also define how we are feeling. A person who feels good, happy, positive and excited will certainly take that astral to those around them. On the other hand, someone who has negative thoughts, who feels sadness, fear and insecurity, will make other people feel that way too.

In this sense, it is essential to take care that our vibrations are always positive, not only because we want to provoke good feelings in other people, but also because we need to feel good about who we are. But how to do it? Below, we've prepared seven tips that will keep your spirits high!

Tips to keep your good vibes

1) Boost your positivity

7 tips to keep the vibes positive
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

The first step to developing good vibes is positive thinking. You don't have to give up realism in your life, but instead of thinking that everything will go wrong, think that the chances of it going right are also there. To help, always keep in mind an experience where you looked like you were going to fail, but ended up doing just fine.

2) Find a hobby

Everyone needs a moment of escape from reality to relieve tension and to feel better about routine. While there are many ways to do this, the most recommended and risk-free way is to find a hobby. Practicing physical exercises, cooking, drawing, playing instruments, reading, watching movies are some ideas!

3) Exercise your gratitude

7 tips to keep the vibes positive
Engin Akyurt / Pexels

Many of the negative thoughts we have arise when we are unable to recognize everything around us. So, exercising gratitude is a way to pay more attention to the good things and recognize that you will be able to overcome any challenge, as your life is also a source of pride.

4) Get closer to your friendships

Keeping our friendships close at hand is not just a way of making small talk and having a good time. It is also a way to cheer us up in difficult times, to confess our feelings and to look at problems with a new perspective. Surround yourself with people who love you, who are your true friends.

5) Learn to say no

7 tips to keep the vibes positive
John Paul Serrano A / Pexels

Afraid of making a bad impression, many people find it difficult to say no to what they don't want to do. As a result, they end up getting involved in exhausting activities, which only bring more stress and tension. Use your politeness to decline invitations and proposals that will not bring you good feelings.

6) Focus on the present

The past is a learning experience, and the future is uncertain. So, all we can do is focus on the present. Live in the here and now, making the most of each experience, without thinking too much about the days that have passed or those that haven't even arrived yet. In this way, you will be able to appreciate with more attention every detail and surprise in life.

7) Avoid getting discouraged

Getting discouraged when our plans go wrong is normal and totally understandable. You can feel bad for a few moments, as long as you're able to take a deep breath, focus on everything you've already accomplished and be grateful for the chance to try again, albeit in another way. Avoid getting discouraged and move on!

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Good vibes are essential for building a good relationship with other people and for feeling good about yourself. Following the tips we present, the energies you vibrate will always be the best. However, if you are constantly feeling unwell and nothing is helping you to recover, seek medical help!

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