7 tips for finding a little sanity

Pandemic, economic crisis, political crisis, excess information on social networks, all kinds of negative news… As a meme that has been circulating says: “In addition to my own problems, I am also Spanish”. It's been hard to switch off a little bit and find peace, hasn't it?

The truth is that, in addition to the negative news and the chaos of the world, we are living in times that demand productivity from us all the time, leaving us with little time to breathe… How, then, to rescue sanity in the midst of this madness? We separate some activities that can help!

Do nothing

Yes, doing nothing is a great thing to “do” sometimes! In a society that demands that we be busy all the time and that we are always doing some activity, enjoying leisure is even revolutionary. So finding a little time to just do nothing is essential.

7 tips for finding a little sanity
Alex Green / Pexels

Doing nothing can literally mean doing nothing, like lying down, walking around, taking a nap… But it means, above all, leaving some free time in your day to do what you want, not what you need be done, setting aside obligations and responsibilities a little.


Meditating is great for those who are fast-thinking and need to have a date with themselves in search of sanity. Among the benefits of this practice are a decrease in the level of anxiety and stress, a feeling of tranquility and even an improvement in the flow of breathing and the quality of sleep.

If you think that meditation is just sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed and doing “om”, you are very wrong. There are many different types of meditation, and you can even create your own by finding a position and conditions that help you spend time focused on your breathing.


What do you really love to do? Craftsmanship? Play video game? Play any sport? Create some art? Cook? Finding activities that spark passion in us can transform our routine. Everyday is full of things we do out of necessity, so doing something out of pure will is to break that chain.

7 tips for finding a little sanity
Armin Rimoldi / Pexels

But remember one very important thing: you don't have to be good at what you love to do, so avoid the demands, which already disturb in the professional environment and in other day-to-day tasks. Make room only for the pleasure of performing that task and the well-being that this activity promotes.

Dear people

Spending time around people we love is something that changes any day that's a little gray, doesn't it? Whether with family, friends or that special person, doing an activity for two or in a group can be the relief for a sequence of very stressful and even negative days.

Since everyone is on the run, don't be upset if people haven't called you to do something. Roll up your sleeves and organize yourself something that makes you very close to the most special people in your life, because it will certainly change their day too.


There is a famous saying that art does not cure or solve problems, but it makes life more bearable. And it's true. Spending two hours watching a movie, forty minutes watching a series or spending time reading a book will not solve the situations in your life, but it can bring the relaxation you are so desperately needing.

7 tips for finding a little sanity
Andres Ayrton / Pexels

And here's a suggestion: how about you start making a little art yourself to vent everything that's stored there, huh? Write something, start drawing or painting… All this can encourage you to develop your creative vein, helping you discover a hobby that can be important for a lifetime.


Anyone who has a pet knows how relaxing it is to be around them, whether playing, petting or just observing how they behave differently from us. But think: when was the last time you spent quality time with your pet, without the hustle and bustle of everyday life?

Whether it's taking your puppy for a walk, dragging a string around the house for your kitty to run after, or interacting with another animal you may have, these little activities are very meaningful not only for you, but also for the pet's well-being. , who certainly loves your presence around.

a walk

Taking a walk to let your thoughts flow and lower your stress levels is always a good idea. In addition to helping the mind to relax, you will get your body moving, that is, it is an activity that is good for mental health, but is also great for the health of the body.

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How about turning this simple walk to relax into an exercise routine, whether it's a run or even a daily walk? With a regular routine of physical activity, you will feel its positive impacts on your mood and also in front of the mirror.

Disconnecting from the rush and chaos of the outside world can be a little difficult throughout everyday life, but it is essential if we want to have a better relationship with ourselves, reducing stress and anxiety levels and increasing our quality of life, also diverting the focus of negative thoughts and events.

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