7 things you need to do for yourself

    It's so much rush and obligation in everyday life that we end up forgetting how much simple things can do us good. The purpose of this text is to invite you to have a different week. We suggest below one task for each day. By task, however, do not mean more to-do; are ideas on how to make the most of the days in your favor. The focus is on you and your well-being. Accept the invitation?

    1- Monday – Dawn slowly

    The first day of the week is always the hardest isn't it? So I propose that you allow yourself to start the week at your own pace. If necessary, wake up a little earlier, but don't run. Feel every muscle in your body wake up before jumping out of bed. Take a deep breath and feel the gratitude of starting another cycle. Take a long shower and a hearty breakfast. When you feel ready, indulge this week in the happiest way possible.

    2- Tuesday – Laugh, smile, laugh!

    Keep in mind that the day will be one of joy. Don't let small things take away your good mood and look for more and more reasons to smile. It's worth using the internet and looking for the funniest memes, videos and gifs you can. Your skin, your health, your well-being and the people around you will thank you.

    3- Wednesday – Take care of your physique

    Midweek and time to give a "up" in energy and look. Don't try to play intellectual and say you don't care about the physical; we all care, even if on different levels. Whenever we look in the mirror and like what we see, life flows better. So, take at least a part of the day to take care of yourself a little. Massage, haircut, physical exercise are some of the suggestions.

    4- Thursday – Try, discover, be surprised

    Do something new! Try an unknown flavor, go somewhere you've never been, do something you never thought of doing. Surprise yourself and show that you are capable of innovating. Leaving our comfort zone can cause the best possible sensations, just take a risk. It can be a mild thing like trying out a new recipe or a very radical one like skydiving. It's your decision!

    7 things you need to do for yourself

    5- Friday – Dance to your favorite song

    The weekend is finally here and celebrating is necessary. The suggestion? Turn the sound up to a volume that envelops you and dance like there's no tomorrow. Feel all your adrenaline working in your favor and make the strangest moves. It's not worth feeling ashamed. Give in and dance until you're tired or until you burst out laughing, whatever!

    6- Saturday – Do what makes you happy

    Here the proposal is like that free essay topic that the teacher gave at school. Remember? Commit to doing on this day what brings you the most happiness. It could be going out, watching a movie, cooking, dancing again, or just doing nothing. It's your choice. Just make sure that at the end of the day a giant smile will not leave your face.

    7- Sunday – Pack what you need

    Cleaning may seem like an obligation and not something that would be on our list of things to do well, but believe me, it is! Tidying closets, bedrooms and offices has a much bigger goal than β€œjust” the physical tidiness we all see. Packing our things also causes an organization in our life. We reorganize energy while putting everything in its place, donating what we no longer need and separating what is needed for repair. Nothing better than ending the week zero!

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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