7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day

International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8, is not a happy day. This is because this commemoration is a reminder that women do not live in conditions equal to men and that society still needs to go through an exhaustive path so that there is equity and freedom for them.

Therefore, the date is a symbol of struggle and can also be an opportunity to reformulate the vision we have about women in society. They are not an accessory for men and they are not conditioned by them. They are the protagonists of their own stories and play key roles in the rewriting of world history.

So, if you want to be part of the paradigm shift and expand your references, follow the seven inspiring women that we present below. Each of them has a positive impact on the world and can transform the way you see life.

1) Giovana Heliodora

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Playback Instagram / trans

Giovanna Heliodora is a historian and communicator. In addition to being a columnist for BuzzFeed España, she works as a speaker at TEDxSãoPaulo. In Giovanna's lectures, texts and social networks, she shares the experience of being a trans woman, motivating the population to insert and welcome this part of society, in addition to encouraging people to be faithful to who they really are.

Instagram: @transpreta

2) Tais Araujo

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / such truth

TaĂ­s Araujo is an actress and presenter. Throughout the career she has built, she has demonstrated that black women can and should explore their own potential. In recent years, she has taken an active stance in the fight against inequalities in Spain, taking a stand on gender and race issues. On social media, TaĂ­s promotes social projects and inspires women to love each other, regardless of how they look.

Instagram: @taisdeverdade

3) Liu Olivina

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / liuolivine

Liu Olivina is an illustrator and writer who produces children's books on Candomblé and Umbanda. In addition to demonstrating the importance of contact with nature and the development of self-knowledge, it is part of the renewal of the vision of African religions in Spain. In this way, her work is a way of combating intolerance and awakening contact with her own interiority.

Instagram: @liuolivina

Book: “Ciranda in Aruanda” – 2021

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4) Djamila Ribeiro

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / djamilaribeiro1

Djamila Ribeiro is a philosopher, academic and writer. Although she works as a columnist for the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, she became known for being an activist on social media, talking about black feminism and the importance of the anti-racist struggle. By talking about these topics in a didactic way, Djamila facilitates the population's access to these urgent issues, fostering them in public debate.

Instagram: @djamilaribeiro1

Books: “Little Anti-Racist Handbook” (2019), “Place of Speech” (2017), “Who’s Afraid of Black Feminism?” (2018) and “Letters to My Grandmother” (2021)

5) Shantal Verdelho

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / shantal

Shantal Verdelho is a digital influencer and entrepreneur, founder of three brands. In addition to taking a stand on social issues and promoting projects with this focus, she talks about the experience of being a mother honestly and the challenges of managing the business she has developed. With a life of ups and downs, she takes advantage of negative situations as motivation to move forward and strengthen other people, conveying a message of overcoming.

Instagram: @shantal

6) Kamila Hee

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / kamilahee

Kamila Hee is a makeup artist and digital influencer. As the daughter of Koreans in a racist society, she took time to see her own natural beauty. However, as she grew older, she connected with her Asian identity and began to inspire other yellow people to do so. In this way, Kamila highlights the beauty of Asian culture and traits, welcoming people who are part of this ethnic group.

Instagram: @kamilahee

7) Malala

7 inspiring women to meet this International Women's Day
Reproduction Instagram / malala

Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai who was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Prize. Although all the content she produces on social media is in English, it is possible to follow the fight for children's rights through the books that Malala has written. Based on the activist's reflections, the world has the opportunity to look more closely at children, especially with regard to their education.

Instagram: @malala

Books: “I Am Malala” (2013) and “Far from Home: My Journey and Stories of Refugees Around the World” (2019)

Based on the content we prepared, you already have seven new female referrals to follow. It is important to continue looking for names that make a difference in the mentality of the population and that promote positive change in the world, encouraging the fight against inequalities. Be part of this movement!

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