7 fatal mistakes in interpersonal communication

What moves our society, in addition to numbers and economy, are also words, reading, information… And everything that comes from that is called communication. However, even with so many technological advances, we still suffer from communication problems.

According to a study carried out in 2014 by Sebrae “60% of the problems caused in companies are due to lack of communication between employees”.

And it's not just in companies, but in our life in general we still suffer from this problem.

Below, we list 7 fatal mistakes in communication and how to avoid them:

1 – Don’t ask for help

Sometimes we are ashamed to ask other people a question and we keep it in our head, ending up at some point doing something wrong. If we had asked or requested some help at some point before this happened, we would have avoided this.

2 – Avoid explaining when necessary

At times when it is necessary to explain what our expectation is when assigning a task or simply agreeing something with people, we do not do it, firmly believing that other people have already understood and sometimes this does not happen. Try to explain your expectations when necessary.

3 – Hide behind email

7 fatal mistakes in interpersonal communicationText messages like Whatsapp/Telegram are also valid in this case. Situations where we can resolve it in person or make a call that would take less time, we prefer to send an email or message. Even though messages are more likely to be answered, we end up hiding behind a monitor or cell phone screen. When you feel you can resolve it more quickly through actions, go and do it.

4 – Not getting straight to the point

There are people who start a subject, talk about it and fail to finish it. Or else you could be that person with that profile. In addition to the difficulty of staying in communication, the person who does not go straight to the point damages his personal image. Every subject has a beginning and an end. Remember this.

5 – Talking too much, listening too little

Have you ever heard that we have two ears and one mouth and no wonder, right? Try to be a person who listens more and talks less, who is less impulsive when answering a question or defending an idea. Be attentive to information and when communicating. And always: Listen more!

6 – Always agree with everything

Never be the kind of person who agrees with everything, even opinions and facts that in your heart you don't really agree with. Try to question more, seek the truth in what is being transmitted to you and not agree at first on everything that is subject.

7 - Do not review

Whether sending an email, text message or even after a dialogue, when transmitting information, review before or after. See if what was written is correct, if what was said or what you will say at the time of transmitting the information to other people has coherence. Reviewing information is very important to mature verbal and written communication.

We have the power of positive change in the place where we live, and through communication we can consolidate this positivity. With these steps, successful communication will surely happen.

  • Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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