7 attitudes of a really happy person

Being happy is not just a life goal, but a habit that we acquire with small attitudes that make the day better. See below 7 practices of happy people and put them into practice in your life. Your happiness will thank you!
1- smile

Smiling is a way of showing that you see the world in a positive light. Don't make yourself difficult for others. Smiling is a way of showing people around you that they are not your enemy, but individuals who are being welcomed by you. So smile more, even if it's difficult at first, make it a habit to answer people with a smile on your face. The way they treat you back completely changes when you smile at them. Thus, the day becomes lighter and happier. Then smile!

2 – Give a lot of praise

When someone makes a mistake, don't be the first to criticize or point the finger. But when someone does something positive, let him be the first to praise. Praise is a way of recognizing the value of other people and showing how positive attitudes deserve praise and approval. You don't have to wait for the other person to do something great to praise them. Praise for the little things too. Say that the person looks beautiful and that they have somehow changed your day for the better. So far, you can see how improving relationships with others has to do with happiness, right?

3 - Self-knowledge

Find a method of self-knowledge. This is an essential step in the search for happiness, because we can only be happy if we know what makes us happy. You will not be happy doing what pleases others. You will only be happy when you discover what really pleases you and recognize who you really are. So get to know yourself!

7 attitudes of a really happy person

4 - Clear communication

One of the biggest problems in life is ineffective communication with others. Have you noticed how many headaches could be avoided if people understood each other better? And that, of course, affects your happiness. So learn to communicate clearly. Speak in easy-to-understand words, learn to listen to others and try to understand people according to the way they think. The better your communication, the fewer problems will arise and the more space you will have for happiness to come into your life.

5 – Nobody is perfect

Accepting that you, others and the world are imperfect is a good path to happiness. When we want everything to be perfect, stress increases more and more, because nothing is perfect. The world and people are constantly evolving, so it's no use expecting everything to happen perfectly, because that's not possible. Accept that imperfection is part of life and learn to accept others, the world and yourself as they are, without expecting everything to change for the better overnight.

6 - Good mood

As much as everything can improve in your life, problems will happen, but you have the choice to face them with a good mood and a positive attitude or you can become stressed, frowning and pessimistic about life and the world. To be happy, of course, facing problems with a good mood helps a lot!

7 - Dream

Life gains meaning when we have dreams, and not only dream, but transform dreams into goals to be fulfilled. And with each step you get closer to accomplishing them, the happier you'll feel. So dream and work hard to achieve them. Happiness is present in every day we do something for our dreams.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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