6 positive information about gases

The subject yields jokes and also unpleasant stories, but the act must be faced naturally. To help you understand why, we've selected 7 positive facts about fart.
How is fart formed?

Through the mouth. That's right, 90% of gases are air swallowed in meals, air contained in saliva and in soft drinks and beers. Air is made up of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen travels through the pharynx, esophagus and into the stomach.

The rest is fermented gas in the large intestine. There, bacteria act on the food and this fermentation results in gases such as methane. At this stage, the gases have no smell, however, some foods change the characteristic. Eggs and meat, for example, turn into sulfur and hydrogen and carbon sulfides, so the fart smells more after eating these products.

The fermentation caused by the bacteria leaves the digestive tract and joins with the gases formed by the work of the bacteria in the food. The pair arrives at the rectal ampulla, the final part of the digestive tube, located in the anus.

The gases need the contraction of the sphincter, muscle in the form of a ring, responsible for opening and closing the anus. Moisture and fat in the stool are also related factors. Throughout the day there are between 12 and 25 flatulence, which results in 1 to 1 and a half liters of gas.

6 positive and curious facts about the fart
1. Cleanses the body

Daily we breathe nitrogen and carbon dioxide through the smoke of cars. These gases need to be eliminated and farting is a way to eliminate what the body does not need.

2. It's fire

The fart is formed by methane gas, highly flammable. When striking a match or lighting a lighter at the moment, it can catch fire. Combustion, according to scientists, can also be caused by the exposure of methane to static electricity.

3. Smell helps prevent disease

This is what the University of Exeter (England) says. For the researchers, the compound AP39 helps in the prevention of arthritis, diabetes and heart attack.

6 positive information about gases

4. The location can determine the quantity

People who live at sea level release 15 farts during the day. On the other hand, those who live at 7 meters high can release almost 130.

5. Fart smell

Michael Levitt gets paid to sniff fart. The professional identifies the difficulty of the small intestine in processing carbohydrates. Traditional Chinese medicine also uses this skill. A "wen pishi" can also identify gastrointestinal diseases according to the fart.

6. Helps to locate dead

Muscle contraction and swelling cause the human body to continue shedding fecal material for up to 3 hours after death.

Did you know that farting is a positive thing? Food interferes with the proper functioning of the intestine. Find out which foods are richest in fiber!

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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