6 phrases you shouldn't say to your kids

Having children requires commitment and patience on the part of parents, we all know that, but we don't always remember when faced with difficult times. Words, attitudes can be forever marked in the minds of children and interfere in their lives, as well as in their behavior. So be careful when talking to your child.

Certain negative phrases can have a big impact on your child's life. As little value as they believe, they can make their children more aggressive, with low self-esteem and still angry. The following are some phrases that should not be said to children.

I wish you hadn't been born"

Yes, as aggressive as this phrase is, believe me, many parents have already said it to their children. Telling a child that he shouldn't have been born is like saying that his life doesn't matter to anyone. Rejection, feeling of abandonment, deep sadness are loaded in this sentence. Therefore, in moments of anger, never say such an offensive and drastic phrase.

You just annoy”

It is a very common phrase to hear parents speak. This sentence has an impact, as it ends up showing the child that he is 'interrupting' his parents' lives, and this can do him a lot of harm.

You just eat, you're fat and ugly"

This sentence hardly needs comments, as it is a sentence that causes a lot of humiliation and low self-esteem. Even if the child is fat, it is not by saying that he is fat that problems will be solved. This type of statement will certainly leave marks that will lead her into the future, without her knowing why she has negative attitudes towards herself.

6 phrases you shouldn't say to your kids

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We did everything for you and you don't even recognize it"

Children at certain stages are not able to understand the relationship of work, money, commitment, and in fact they shouldn't, because they have an age for everything and a child should only have the right to be a child. In this way, it becomes more difficult for them to understand this sentence and it ends up sounding negative to them, causing the child to close himself completely to his parents, feeling like a hindrance.

Don't cry for nothing"

We need to stop hiding sadness. Yup. Just like joy, sadness is also part of life. Of course, you have to know how to differentiate, but when the child is sad, don't run away or pretend it's nothing. These feelings always need to be very clear, and she needs to know that she can talk about them.

I'm ashamed of you"

Avoid saying this phrase to your children. Regardless of the problems and situations you went through with them, this phrase shows contempt and a coldness that can leave deep marks, such as rejection. And rejection takes a long time to be forgotten, and it always leaves marks and traumas, which will have serious consequences for your children's future choices.

How to avoid these phrases?

6 phrases you shouldn't say to your kids

There is no mystery. Many know that raising a child is not something simple, as it requires dedication and patience, but above all love. And with love yes, it is possible to change situations. Yes, not everything is stars as some say, so it is always possible to seek help and not ignore attitudes and behaviors. In tense moments, it is best to step away and explain to your child that you can talk later.

Loving, dedicated and aware parents will always be wise in their words. Long live love, feel this feeling. Spread this feeling, and along with it compassion and respect for others.

Text written by Angelica Weise from Team Me Without Borders

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